Falling in love in Argentina

On January 19th I was in El Chalten, Argentina and was heading north for 4 nights to a camp with no internet that I was guided to go to.  El Chalten is home to Mt Fitz Roy, to the Viedma Glacier. To intense nature and intense magic. Here is an update. 

So, I went offline for 4 nights and that led to 20 nights. And during this time I have experienced life changing love. A beautiful love affair with a beautiful man who opened me up to pieces of myself I had never met, pieces I thought were there, that I wanted to experience but I needed this man to help me. I have been single for almost 10 years. And when I think about it, it makes sense, I got married young and after my divorce i traveled, i learned so much about myself, almost like living my 20s in my 30s. But this thing with men seemed so elusive these past few years. I was ready to love again, I had such a deep yearning for communion, caresses, passion, intimacy, romance. I would cry myself to sleep with this yearning. I had so many glitches these past few years when the universe would send me a man for a make-out, for romance, for more and some part of me would run. Some younger part of me that feared love would bring unbearable pain. And i've done a lot, and I mean a lot of work to heal these parts of me that felt unworthy, that felt love was hard, that felt loving me was hard, that didn't feel safe being loved, sharing my essence with someone. There were a lot of layers, beliefs and energetics to shift.

And there was also calling in who I thought my man was. And as I've come more back to my true essence, a woman who loves being in nature, who can go weeks being offline, who dances on mountaintops, who uses my intuition to travel the world, who is happy with less things and more freedom...who I thought my man is has changed. As I have embraced my wild, I understand my man is wild too. He is open hearted, playful. He is soulful and he reveres and loves women. And so the universe brought me the most beautiful 28 year old Argentinian artist, father, a man who sings, who serenades, who nuzzles, whose shoulder I fit under perfectly. I am brought a man where our perfect date night was red wine on a rock in the river, watching the sky change for hours, talking about life in our spanglish, being silent and then skipping across a bridge to sit side by side laughing, teasing, kissing and enjoying local food. A man who said yes to dancing with me in the dark and holding me while i melted in his arms. A man who spends hours in nature too- who has video on his camera of streams, of lakes like me. A man who is soulful. And a man who is playful like me. A man who laughs often and easily. A man who reaches for kisses, with caresses And with each moment with him, I expanded and came back to myself. I fell in love with him and these parts of myself. I leapt up in love, I leapt up to kiss him. I put on romantic music so we could dance and kiss, i let this love move me, I trusted my actions. Rather than hesitating and pulling back my love like I have for so long- I opened the spigot.

And it was awesome.

It was all I have imagined possible and more. Because the ease of it, the allowing, the him stepping towards me, me leaning back on a beach and he shows up and starts massaging my shoulders. Well, most of my life, that is what I have done. i have been the one to step forward rather than allow the masculine to come to me. So as I have softened these last few years as I have embraced and come to love more of my feminine, I called in this beautiful man to step towards me. And I was ready. so so ready. Over the last few weeks i have written tens of thousands of words about this. each day writing to digest it all, writing to digest all the shifts with him and being amongst the energies of Mt Fitz Roy and the Rio del Las Vueltas (to come back to oneself).

The masculine and feminine.

This is the journey I have been on for years, the recalibration of my masculine and feminine essence. Because truly, I am so soft and I am so tender but I hid those parts of me for so many old reasons. But no more. I love my tenderness, I love allowing men to carry my luggage, I love crying and feeling all my emotions and having him come over and hug me, I love how he reached out for my hand when we crossed a few rocks rather than showing him how strong and competent I am by doing it on my own. I loved the feeling of his hand holding mine, of his masculine taking care of me so I could soften more. And now, all I want is more of this. More of this time offline- out of my brain and sinking more and more into my softness, my feminine, my intuition, my body. All I want is more nuzzling, more dancing, more laughter, more intimacy, more vulnerability. Because I had so much fear of being hurt by love, I was hurt by not welcoming it into my life. And now that I have experienced it with such a good man, a man in his divinity, all I want is more.

More of this goodness.

More of this love to alchemize the old dark energy of fear, of separateness. All of this is here for me to be more love in the world, to show up in my feminine wisdom, in the wisdom of my heart. And it is easier and more beautiful than I ever imagined. All of these things that have happened are my creations so I can come back to being love in the world, love in my big wild hearted way. Love in the way that is true for me. And so I spent weeks near a river reminding me to come back to myself.

Come back to your beauty, your play, your love, your tenderness. It is so beautiful. Come back and let us take care of you so you can melt and soften.

And this beautiful man, this gift from the universe was medicine I so needed. As I pulled away from El Chalten yesterday, I sobbed in the bus. Sobbed as a man sat next to me. And I didn't care. I sobbed for the love I had felt, I sobbed in gratitude. I sobbed in loss. I sobbed in hope of what is next for me. I sobbed in missing him.

And then I napped.

And when I woke up I started remembering all of these moments we shared together. the feeling of it all. the dance, our first kiss, singing together, just holding one another listening to a song, the sky, the rock, the sketch he gave me, how it felt for him to take my hand and wrap it around his, how he brought me a smoothie as I danced and stretched in front of the fireplace, how he teased me about my non-existent rolling r's in spanish, how he shared a spanish song with me about freedom and wild hearted living, how he walked around a corner in town one night and there I was and we ran to each other, how after we said goodbye the night before- i drove through town in a taxi and there he was sitting on a bench and i had the taxi make a u turn and i leapt out and kissed him on the street, how his face looked when he saw me- pure delight, how he kissed me and held me in that moment, how we looked at the full moon through a handheld telescope and discovered we both love the moon, how his eyes lit up, his strong arms, his essence. And for the last hour of that bus ride there were no tears, rather this smile on my face, in my heart as I remember how it felt to love and be loved by him.

As I remember how love feels in all its notes and tones.

And knowing that there is more of this coming my way. More magic. More love. This man opened me up to a deeper truth about who I am and want I want in love and life. And he taught me the value of loving fearlessly, honestly. He taught me that I create my life, I create this love. He taught me I can be met in my wild ways, that my wild ways are more beautiful than I knew. He did not ask me to change, he did not disapprove of my wildness- he loved me for it.

And this gift, well this gift brings me to tears now. Because there is something powerful about having the mirror of a man looking back at you with love, respect, delight when so many mirrors have been of disapproval. It alchemizes the old hurts, the old wounds. There is something about spiritual partnership, about the divine masculine and feminine coming together to create more love. And I am so grateful to be on this wild journey of mine. To keep exploring my own spirituality with nature, through dance, through love and now, welcoming men in to my life to help me, support me, care for me so I can create even more love. 
Thank you universe.

Thank you.

in the foreground Rio de las Vueltas with Mt Fitz Roy in the distance

Where in the world has Kim been?

Hello Musings from My Wild Heart Community

It's been a long time since some of you heard from me. And two days ago you heard A LOT! My webserver said only the most recent blog post would go out, and you received all 35 or so I ‘d uploaded from Facebook. Technology. And yet, perhaps it was perfect so you can scroll with greater ease? 

I’ve been writing and writing and found myself doing it on Facebook for two reasons. Mainly, I started writing about really personal things, getting really honest and my Dad is on my mailing list (Hi Dad) And I couldn't imagine some of these writings going directly into his email box. Now I’m good with how honest I’m being and understand it is this very honesty that is helping my writing, my life blossom. No more holding back. There is beauty and value in who I am, in how I live. In how I release these adaptations and domestications and continue to reclaim my value, my wild heart. 

The entries start in September. I returned to Seattle after a summer in nature. A summer where I learned and experienced just how sacred I am. The way I live. My intuition. my connection to nature, to cycles, to emotions to energy, to nature. I spent 2 1/2 months in the western states- staying with friends, camping, Burning Man, and when I drove over the state line back into Washington I knew my time here was complete. I knew it was time to let go of the old to welcome in the new. I knew I had spent the last 9 years getting to this moment of releasing huge pieces of my past, of my good girl adaptations and truly embracing and living my wild hearted life.  This love of self, supported me in letting go of so much old energy, patterns and habits that were holding me back from my wild life. 

This time of letting go, these entries are full of emotions, insights, challenges, of that time of releasing the old. I shredded 100 pounds of paper- journals, workshop notes, I gifted my furniture. Got rid of every book save 1. It was a time of great magic, of polarity, of going back and forth from good girl to wise woman, of great knowing to fear. A lot.

In November, after 12 years, a divorce, workshops, retreats, more tears, incredible transformation and more tears than I can count…I left Seattle with the intention to spread joy and love in the world, to welcome men back into my life, to welcome in romance, to own and create more sensuality and more sex in my life. To own and live my womanhood. And to explore this beautiful planet I live on. To live in different places. To travel in others. To explore my wild inside and out. 

I lived in NYC for 5 weeks. These entries are a lot about magic, love, surrendering to the divine, following my intuition. About Being love in the world and receiving more love. Allowing men in my life. Incredible shifts happened here and then it was time to go to Argentina. A place I have dreamed of traveling to for years. But I always sensed I would be here with my man…so I hesitated. I got pissy. Irritated that I was once again traveling solo for the holidays when I was so ready for my man to plan this trip. To take me my dream destination. And then I started meeting all these men in NYC who told me places to go…I finally figured it out. I was meant to go here and released the attachment to how it looked. Perhaps my man is there waiting for me to show up! So I decided to go to Argentina. But I had a deep yearning to see my parents. These past few years, as part of my individuation I had to pull back and spend more time by myself. I had to grow up. I had to set boundaries. I had to explore what were my true values and beliefs outside the container of my family. And I had to learn, deeply learn, deeply believe, that regardless of what these answers were. I WOULD BE LOVED.  I lived in my home town in my 20s, married. I wasn’t out traveling the world, learning more about myself. This has these last few years. A late bloomer, perfect timing. Good Girl growing up into wise woman. So against all logic/rational planning in terms of flying etc. I flew to California and spent a few days with my parents for the holidays. It was so wonderful to just be with them in love, to be so in love with them. I felt like it brought these last few years of individuation, of needing time away to come back to myself,  to completion and I left Christmas Day crying as I hugged them goodbye at the airport. Tears of total love.  And it reminded me that following my heart is so much more important than logical thinking.

I took a red eye to Buenos Aires, Argentina and then on to Bariloche, Argentina where I lived for three weeks (I thought three days, it was 3 weeks) Doing a deep dive into nature, men, sensuality, what is sex, vulnerability, surrender, intimacy, greed, appetite, receiving, asking for what I want, softening into my feminine. These themes that keep cycling through. And I got to do it on an island in incredible beauty and pure energy. I helped with a barbecue, danced at a wedding until 5am, and welcomed in the new year by eating 12 raisins to represent each month of the year. Losing my iphone in the forest. Lots of wild hearted living and writing here. At this point I started posting almost every day. The words started flowing as I came back to myself more and more. 

And now I’m in El Chalten, Argentina. Where the rugged mountains are providing me the container of the masculine to soften some more.  Today I am heading to an Eco Camp 15km north of this little town. There isn’t internet there but much writing will happen. 

And I will keep posting because I love these words flowing from the divine through me, I love honoring my life, the blessings of it in this way. I love that these words are reaching and touching others. I am grateful to be in this place of all these pieces coming together for me to understand that this life of mine matters. That these stories, these moments are meant to be shared. The divine has been nudging at me for years to do this, and I finally believe and understand. Live, Write and Share Kim. Live, Write and Share. 

So here is to living, writing and sharing. Here are to new people on this blog that I’ve met on my recent travels. Here’s to those of you I’ve known for years. Here’s to love, here’s to the magic of us coming together with these words, with this love. Here’s to what can be created in each of our lives, in the world when we reclaim our wild and share our wild hearts. 

Love, love, love


I would post photos but the internet is VERY slow here. Will post more when I get better connection.

Welcoming in the masculine to serve me

Yesterday the universe gave me the incredible gift of a day of hiking amongst Los Glaciers National Park under the watchful eye of Mt Fitz Roy (Charles Darwin's co-hort). I learned you can be here for days and never see the mountain because of weather and that this place is known for its wind. Yesterday I wore shorts and my RYW tank top for most of the day. I did a 23km circuit, enjoying lunch with epic views, walking by Madre e Hija lake (mother and daughter), I walked barefoot for awhile to feel my feet on this sacred ground. There is such pure energy. This energy of nature, of the divine masculine and divine feminine. These mountains providing a container, a watchful eye so the feminine can flourish here. I feel it. And I feel this shift within me, this softening, this allowing. Releasing these German farm girl, 'I can do it all my self' roots. Releasing this need to take care of others, when it is I who need to be held. Allowing nature, allowing the masculine to serve me so I can flourish. The masculine within me and the masculine around me. 

And so today as I was leaving my hotel room, I met Alex, and we started sharing traveling stories. I told him about my writing, my travels and how I felt guided here to explore these energies of the masculine and feminine. We had this lovely conversation where I so owned my history, my values, my views, being an energy worker, leaving the system to follow my wild. It felt so lovely to have this man be curious, to want to learn more about me- the real me that is showing up more and more in my interactions with men, with the world. Using words like divine feminine, divine masculine, energy worker, guided, intuition. All of these sacred parts of me that I've been keeping under wraps for fear of NOT being loved. And as I step into these parts, as I share a dinner last night with a beautiful Indian man with such brown eyes and we share stories of our inner and outer travels, as we speak of Reiki, Paulo Coelho, our love of Sci Fi, our darkness, our light, about how I ditched War and Peace and started reading light fiction because my brain needed a break and I don't even care about War and Peace I just thought I HAD to read it, as we are more present to one another, as we laugh and share a delicious meal together...I am aware this is happening because I am showing up. Because I am allowing all of this truth of mine to emerge and shine, because I am delighting in it, in me. In being intuitive, in being empathic, in being so imperfect and so full of love. This is happening because I have done a lot of healing to come back to a place of believing there are men here who will take care of my heart. Who want to take care of my heart and me, as I am. 

And it is this gift of the divine masculine protecting me, strengthening within me and around me that is allowing me to flourish. Not the masculine I was raised with or witnessed in our culture but rather this divine masculine that honors and reveres my intuition, my bodies wisdom, my heart, my emotions. This divine masculine that understands we need these emotions, these tools and gifts of intuition, this ability to be, this connection to nature, to each other to thrive, to flourish, to be nourished collectively and individually. 

This masculine that understands it is here to serve me so I can be soft, so my heart can stay open, so I can stay in my body. So I can do the work I am here to do and values that work. This masculine that wants to carry my luggage, make the dinner reservations, book me a massage, Money is masculine. So having been single I learned to let money be my lover: to use money for massages, for cabs, for bellman, so that I can stay soft, tender. And now I am ready for the masculine in 3d form. So whether it's the arms of the Italian holding me in bed, the peaks of these mountains holding me as I walk barefoot through a forest, a man carrying my luggage. Sharing stories with the beautiful Indian Man. I am melting. I am softening into my wise woman. I am coming back to the harmony and balance within myself.

And this is what I believe is the thing happening right now in the world. This reclamation of our wild hearts, our wild emotions, of nature, this swinging of the pendulum from the value of the linear, the intellect, the rational....the feminine is swinging it to emotions, to intuition, to communion. And we are all finding that balance within us so we can show up in the world in harmony, and as we do this we create harmony within our systems: our bodies, our emotions, our minds, our spirits, our families, our work, our communities. 

And Alex says he sees women on this journey but not men...and I reply I am meeting more men doing this work, especially young men. At Burning Man, during my travels and how excited I am to be meeting these men, because I need them. I need them in my life to support me, to nourish me, to serve me so I can travel and write and share and stay in my open heart and be love in the world. So I can be in my intuition, so I can reach out with touch to heal. I am no longer interested in doing it alone. I know I can. I have for years. And yet with support there will be so much more to give, so much to receive. And now I welcome men into my life to support me, to nurture and nourish me rather than the good girl teachings of me nurturing and nourishing them at my expense. When I am full I will give, but no more giving to receive. No more giving from depletion. I welcome in good, kind, conscious men into my life. With gratitude, with delight. 

And so I say so much of this to Alex, this new friend from Toronto. And after I share my grand vision of the world, of the masculine serving me? After I feel so delighted in showing up in my truth and speaking from my heart?

Well, I say farewell and then carry my suitcase down the stairs…it’s a work in progress.

I have an appetite...

I think one of the hardest things in breaking out of this good girl upbringing is breaking the rules. All of these constrictive rules that were never meant for our light to shine, And instead create an artificial light. WINNER! SMARTEST! BEST BODY! All of these things, these bullshit goals, awards that have no heart, no soul no love in them. There are no love in these rules, there is only confinement. Standardized testing are you kidding me? Jesus. If that doesn’t suck everyone dry around it. These are the rules that are meant to be broken.

So each day i am telling myself “no rules, screw the rules” and something deep inside me feels more and more free each day. And this really is one of the cycles, the layers I’ve been going through. I don’t want these rules anymore. I thought these rules were the guideposts to be love. Follow these rules, you get loved. So I am letting them go. They do not add shape and structure to my life in a meaningful way. They constrict and dry me out. My pleasure is too vast for these rules. Play and adventure all over the world. Delight, pleasure, freedom, expansion, all over the world.

And with each rule I break, large or small, I feel my true appetite coming back. Just how much MORE I want from this thing called life. 

And I’ve broken some pretty big rules:
Leave a good marriage from a great man- breaking the rules
One way ticket to Kathmandu for your pleasure- breaking the rules
Saying no to holidays with the family- breaking the rules

And now, not having a ‘home,’ no car, traveling for my pleasure, to create more communion, intimacy and love in the world. Breaking the rules. (but whose rules is the question I keep coming back to)

I am really getting into this rule breaking thing. Layer by layer, releasing these adaptations, these unconscious agreements with the world, with myself. Saying…NO, that actually does’t feel good to me, or resonate with me at all. No thank you. I am going over here and going to create the life that FEELS rich and juicy to me. 

I am so much more comfortable with some parts of my wild being in the world now. The woman who dances on mountaintops and rocky outcrops, who hikes off trail. The wild me who dances at beaches. Takes herself away for her birthday. Walks through NYC at 3am. This is a side of me I’ve come to know, love and trust. And there are other parts of me that are still domesticated. Still adapted. 

So every day I am trying to break some rules and to honor my true appetite. To notice where I hesitate and move through it. So yesterday I ‘broke the rules’ by taking three pieces of breakfast cake with me for my bus ride north when the sign at the hotel buffet clearly stated that all food must be consumed in the restaurant. I broke the rules by taking two of the hotels napkins to wrap up these cakes.

My good girl was pretty ecstatic at taking one, then I took two. Then when I was sitting at my table, I realized I wanted more. So I went and got another piece. And it was a bit uncomfortable to have this plate with three pieces of cake on it. I felt piggish. I wondered what others thought, this woman sitting by herself with three pieces of cake. Of course she is going to take some with her, or she couldn’t eat all of that herself. I thought of lies to tell, ‘I’m going to write for a few hours in the lounge.” And at the end, I wrapped them up in the hotel napkins and put them in my purse. Feeling a bit delighted, a bit deviant, a bit piggish. 

And as the rules, the constriction dissolves with each new action of truth…with that comes the space for the new, for my true appetite to emerge. For my greed to have a place in this world. And as we heal, as we release the constriction in our hips, our hearts, our head, as we move through this old energy, we bring in the new. 

With ease. Without all the work

Another layer. Out with the old, in with the new. 

And so I can dive into a deeper wild, I find myself diving into a deeper wild within myself. And I know this is why I am here. To come back to myself with more truth. With more grace. With more softness. With more respect. To give space for this yearning that has been within me to have space to emerge, to be seen in the world, to be met by the world. The beauty of my appetite for love. The truth of my appetite for life.

Because I have an appetite. 

A huge appetite. I have an appetite to travel the world- to walk the highlands in Scotland,To taste the most delicious Scotch, to see the heather in full bloom, to dance around the fire at Beltane, to hear celtic music live. To explore the beauty of Iceland, to camp under the stars on a night with no clouds, to walk this wild land. I desire sunrises and sunsets all over the world.
I have an appetite to have lovers all over the world. To have these incredible men supporting me and nourishing me. I have an appetite for beauty: to stay in beauty, to be surrounded in beauty. I have an appetite to be adorned in incredible clothes and jewelry that honor my essence. To be surrounded by the most stunning flowers. I have an appetite to be in nature, to see the deserts, the mountains, the salt flats, the red rocks. I have an appetite to sit around the table with world leaders and flirt with them, to show them the beauty of the feminine, to take their hands into mine, to gaze in their eyes and shower them with love.

I have an appetite

At times I have settled for wonder bread when the world wants me to be eating german brown bread, in Germany. Because I have gone to some of these places and yet I have not been fully present with my appetite. My good girl feeling guilty to be so blessed to travel and have the freedoms I do, that she thought this is enough. And it isn’t. It is a blessing, yes, and yet it is not my deepest truth, my true desires. Rent a bike in Amsterdam. Go to bellydancing class. Flirt with that sexy man at the park. Be greedy.

So another layer- no need for guilt and shame of my appetite. I am doing my best to stop denying my appetite or believing it is wrong in any way (that is domestication). Because I am not making up this appetite, it was gifted to me by the divine. So if I deny this. If I deny myself the make out with the hot Argentinian, the sunrise, the salsa dance, the chocolate…I am denying myself a gift brought to me by the divine in the name of some unconscious code to have my father love me. To have my family approve. To have my neighbors and strangers think I am good.

And I am good. And I have an appetite.

This appetite is finding its place in the world. It has been for years, one layer at a time, more and more of my appetite being out in the world.

Thank you more please.

Because I have the most beautiful appetite.

And the denial of this keeps me small, it does not get me the love I truly desire. 

And so this morning, I visualized myself ending all the unconscious agreements I’ve made to stay a good girl to be loved. I called in every greedy thought, every greedy desire that came my way…and I can’t wait for more because

I am falling in love with my greed, with my appetite.

Because my appetite is LOVE.

Because me pretending I am happy with crumbs, with wonder bread actually SERVES no one.

And yet we believe it does, I thought it did. I thought it served my family and my culture for me to go to college, to get degrees, to think I had to be people’s therapists, their savior, that had to throw the baby showers, that is what I do as a woman. And I pretended to like it. I pretended it was enough. When it never was, when it wasn’t even close. Because that was giving love as I had been taught by my culture…holidays cards, birthday presents, a fake smile…it wasn’t about me receiving and creating the love and life I needed to be fully engaged. To be out dancing in nature, to sleep on the rim of the grand canyon, to hike into the grand canyon and dance on a bridge under the moon. This makes me joyful. This connects me to my appetite. 

I’ve spent years excavating my appetite and not writing about it because of the shame I felt. How could I want more? Who was I to want more?

And here’s the thing. I want so much more. I want more touch, communion, sensual and sexual expression that I can even begin to imagine. I want to fall in love every day. I want chocolate fed to me, my feet rubbed, my forehead and hair caressed. I want to stay in the most stunningly beautiful places in the world. In tree houses, eco lodges, in tents. I want to be serenaded, courted, and supported.

I want my appetite to be met..but first I have to admit I have one. And I have to evolve it from what I thought it was. When I was younger it was a night in with Falcon Crest and ice cream, this evolved to 90201 and Melrose Place with wine and girlfriends, and then a DVR with my husband and lots of popcorn and an abundance of Oprah magazines. And yes I am simplifying things- there was much magic during this time too..but the thing is. So much of what I thought I enjoyed. I didn’t. 

I would have rather been out cross country skiing at night on the streets of Boulder than a frat party, but I wanted to fit in. I wanted a boy to like me. I wanted to be kissed. And this is what I saw as the way.

So it is this part of me that is growing up. That is no longer running the show. 

I am greedy for true love, for love my way. I am greedy to meet the people who believe the same and want to create this with me. I am greedy for heart intimacy, body intimacy. I am greedy to be worshipped, revered. I am greedy for this young part of me to know her absolute genius in her desires and her power, and her magic and her incredible astounding beauty just as she is.

And I am greedy, so damn greedy, for all of us to know this and honor this Because can you IMAGINE what we can create when we own our appetite for true love? For true intimacy and communion? Can you imagine what our families, our schools, our systems would look like then? It is the change that is happening this search for true love. I see and feel it and experience it everyday. Whether in Seattle, on a bus in Argentina. I FEEL IT.

We are starving for our true appetites to be met. We can be so undernourished in the ways that most count.

And so here in Argentina, I am in this wild nature, I am dancing at weddings, helping at barbecues, I am skinny dipping, swimming in lakes, tasting the dark bread, savoring the lamb, the sunrises, the rainbows. Because I am owning my appetite and my greed and not letting the good girl take the lead. I am teaching her, her truth is far more beautiful than anything she was taught.

And the cake from the hotel?

When I got on the bus, sitting by me were a mother and daughter from Holland, hosteling their way through this trip, speaking of the expense here. And the daughter wanted some food. So I took it out: this apple and seed cake wrapped in a lovely linen cloth and handed it to her. This gift of love for me and them. They gratefully savored it…I gifted another piece to a friend from the glacier outing yesterday. And I savored the other. Because I realize I get to have my cake and eat it too and there is nothing wrong with this. I don’t have to give it all away. 

Because I have an appetite.


How losing my mind gave me my life back...

I just realized, today is the 6 year anniversary of one of the most profoundly life changing moments in my life. The accident I don't remember, the fall that forever changed my life, my brain. my way of being in the world. A huge gift, a huge trauma, a huge pain in my heart and ass as my ego struggled to assimilate to a new way of living that, in truth, was so much more profound and beautiful, than anything I had been taught. My concussion, my amnesia, my 8 months of recovery changed the way i walked through the world. It taught me the gift and power of my empathic side, the gift and power of being so sensitive and aware of energy. It showed me how much i forced myself to heal to please others, when my brain and body truly needed months and months to heal. It taught me that too much noise is painful, that my system needs quiet and rest. It showed me that my left brain, that inner critic was not serving me in anyway. As my brain healed and that hateful, constrictive voice came back, it taught me I had to learn how to work with it, how to play with it, how to relax it so I could reclaim my essence and my life. My wild heart. My body. 

I don't remember the accident, I don't remember being in the hospital, i don't remember the countless emails I sent to friends every day telling them I had been hurt. I don't remember any of that. I remember my mom making me a tuna fish sandwich, I remember friends taking exquisite care of me. I remember that I felt safe. That I felt loved. I remember saying i would just spend a few days with my parents so I could remember to take my meds and that led to two weeks. I remember even then, healing from a traumatic brain injury and pushing it. That essence, that teaching so deep that even in that moment I could not give myself the space to simply heal and BE. 

I remember people telling me I should read Jill Bolte Taylor's book, Stroke of Insight and I couldn't imagine reading anything. I remember going to a friend's house weeks later for dinner with 5 people and having to leave early because it was too much noise. For 6 years I have rubbed the dent in my head as a reminder of my wise right brain, my capacity to read energy, that my heart is far wiser than my brain. I have had three more concussions since. But this was the motherload. This was the wake up call. 

The one that was gifted to me, to show my Aquarian, Valedictorian brain How. Much. I. Was. Missing. Out. On. 

I was missing out on LOVE.

I was missing out on living from my heart. I was missing out on loving myself. I was missing out on presence. I was missing out on life. Because my head was running the show. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars healing from trauma, from PTSD. to get my brain to relax, to surrender to the divine. Every day I work to get my brain to trust this force of love that guides me, Every day I have to use my tools to follow my body and hearts guidance. Some moments are shit shows, others are pure bliss. But everyday is a practice to live from my heart and my body. Because my brain wants to hijack it all. And don't get me wrong. I love my brain, it serves me in many ways- it helps me book tickets, hotels, adventures..but it is my heart and body that guide me there.

So thank you universe for this gift, thank you for reminding me of this anniversary. Thank you for having this beautiful brain, this beautiful heart, this wise body. Thank you for helping me restore balance in my systems. This 'accident' was one of they key moments in my life, though i kept shoving this gift aside so i could just get back to 'normal' whatever the hell that is. So thank you universe, for this dent, for this reminder. I am so grateful to be healthy today. I am so grateful that i found the healers to help my brain relax, that I am in nature to help it relax every day. I sit, looking out on the Argentinian mountains in this moment, knowing I am here, in great part, to this accident. to this shift, that without it, I would have never understood the strength of my heart, the beauty of my right brain. I would have kept living that data filled, left brained life and never surrendered to the fact that my true wisdom comes from a very different place. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I have no memory of this photo taken in the hospital....