Letting my wise wild heart guide the way

This thing called love can be a great mystery to me at times. This thing that calls to me so completely and baffles me at the same time. This thing that I am untangling all I was taught about love that seems so counter to what my wise heart knows. My heart knows that love is all around me in every moment. That every moment there is magic to be had. My wise heart knows the value of softness, of tenderness, of hand holding, of snuggling, of cuddling. My wise heart knows this does not only come from my man. It can come every day from so many different people, in different ways. And my wise heart knows it’s time to welcome this energy if from a man. To stand for and create this is my life. My body and soul are craving it. 

I look at life as energy and i am realizing how limited I’ve been in my thinking of love. Because there are so many tones to love. There is parent/child love. There are caresses, there is buying a favorite bottle of wine for a friend just because. There is putting a flower on a table for a guest’s meal. There is reaching out and caressing someone’s forearm because you sense they need love. There are toasts at weddings, picking up hitchhikers, creating a barbecue for your friends to gather. There are presents under the trees. Photos of texts of flowers just because. There is laying on the grass together under the stars. There is ordering a stranger your favorite dish. There are invitations to orphan’s thanksgiving, gifting a glass of wine. There is letting the wild woman sit on the front of the boat because she asks. There is singing and dancing along a forest path.

All of this is love.

And I’ve experienced most of this recently, imagined some of the others and while my heart could take it in for the most part I found my head awfully attached to how love showed up. That it needed to a man. And he needed to pick me. He needed to approve of me. He needed to make the move. And I believe what I am creating this time around is me creating the love. Me knowing what I desire and asking for it. Me reaching my hand out, me asking to be held. Me allowing to ask and receive. And as my asks get more specific, bigger- I create more love for all of us. Maybe it is asking for someone to massage my feet for awhile. I create a moment for us to connect in quiet touch. Maybe it is asking to go sit on the dock and watch the stars. I create a moment for us to take in nature and beauty. Maybe it is asking to dance on the terrace. I create a moment for us to listen to music and have it move our bodies. Maybe I ask for dark chocolate. I create a moment for him to enjoy buying me something I desire and watching my reaction as I savor it. 

All of this is love. And I believe this is the power of women knowing their desires. Knowing the tones of love they need in the moment and asking for it…their man, their woman, their men, their women. their family, a stranger.  And, as I have learned, much of this has involved not having a man or rather, not relying on a man to bring me this love. But rather the universe. 

People keep asking me if I’m on my Eat, Pray, Love trip and I laugh because, no I am on my own journey. Although I felt for so long my journey, my story, was incomplete because I had yet to meet my Felipe in Bali. That I was missing out on the LOVE part of the story. But the truth is, I’ve been having an incredible love affair with myself, with the universe that has expanded what I now believe is possible in love.  I have looked into the nooks and crannies of my heart, my darkness and found more love there than I ever imagined. And with more love comes more room for creation.

Because all along love has been mine to create. And instead I’ve been reacting. Reacting from how I was taught, what I saw and experienced. Rather than stepping off of that path and creating my own. Well, I’ve been hopping back and forth between paths. My teenager so excited for a crumb, my wise woman wanting to be held. My teenager settling for a creepy man who was paying her attention. My wise woman knowing there are divine men for me to meet and so much more to be experienced.

And I feel like right now I am raising this younger part of myself to understand so much more of love, of what is truly possible between people and that it is so much richer, juicier, full of so much more possibility than we ever imagined. So I encourage her to look into her heart- past the hurts of missed proms, of not dating in college, past the abuse, past the disapproval and to tune into her heart and tell me the truth of what she longs for…sweetness, gentleness, romance.

So, it feels like this moment in my journey is about creating the love I truly desire. One that is full of extraordinary tenderness and passion. One that is full of quiet and wild living. One that is full of eye gazing, of hand holding, of nights under the stars. One that is full of adventure travel and sitting by a fire for hours. One that is full of knowing the maps of each others bodies and souls. One that is about being more vulnerable than I could ever imagine for fear of what it would bring. And the thing is, it’s the walls that are causing the pain, not the vulnerability. The vulnerability gets me direction, guidance, truth, it might also cause me to blush but I feel alive. I feel true and seen, most importantly by me. I feel more me and I would rather have this, than not. I would rather feel embarrassed than laying in bed wondering what if I had asked him to come up and just snuggle? What if I had asked him to join me for a drink in front of the fire and hold my hand?  What if I had been more brave with my love? What if I trusted my love and my way of loving more then what was taught to me?

We don’t need to adapt, we don’t need to deny our desires.  This is my epic journey, my Eat, Pray, Love…coming back to my beautiful wise wild heart bit by bit. Layer by layer. Coming back to love as my primary language.

And so in the dark spaces of today, with the new moon, with all this energy of love around me. I desire to be. To trust. To know that first instinct is full of love, is the very thing the world needs me to do- to trust my instincts with love and to act on them.

And this feels like no small thing, this understanding that is dawning within me that my heart matters. That my heart gets to be met in all ways, all tones. That my heart doesn’t have to compromise in love. Rather, it can grow and grow. it can cut through the barbed wired and be free. It can be met with the sweetest. softest love. It does not need to have walls around it, it does not need to live in fear. It gets to be held. so so gently. By myself and all that I create in this life. It gets to be easy, it gets to be tender. I can release the soap opera drama tones of love, I can release the will McDreamy and Meredith ever get together love. I can release all of that fear, that forcing.

And I understand it might take me awhile to completely believe this, to create this, I ask for grace and know there will be some pebbles in the path. But at least there are no longer the boulders that once blocked me so completely. This magical place of Patagonia continues to alchemize these old thoughts and beliefs. This old energy living within me. It continues to hold up a mirror of incredible love that allows me to soften, to believe again.

So thank you Patagonia, thank you new moon. Thank you human self for surrendering your agenda to be going all day and to instead be soft and gentle and allow all of this to sift through my system. Thank you water for helping move this energy through, thank you for the sweet view of mountains and water and sky from my window. Thank you for snacks so I didn’t have to leave my room. Thank you for putting the computer down and letting me cry some more as all of this sinks in. Thank you for sleeping, for napping, for resting, thank you brain for quieting down. 

Thank you love, for showing me the way once again.  

Spreading the LOVE at Burning Man 2014.  

Get out there and dance!

Yesterday I curled up on a chair with a view of the lake and watched the Mexican movie Gloria. It's been on my iTunes for a long time...but yesterday as I digested all that's happened these last few weeks, as I struggled with where I still bump up against being vulnerable, sharing my heart, with those words getting caught in my throat, with where my wild heart is still domesticated...As I digested so much goodness, so much love. As I realize I have so much more love to give and receive, I was guided to watch Gloria. I savored the ending of this movie (which is so worth watching, I included it below) if even for a little dance break.

I needed this reminder, that these past few years I have done the work and it's my time to be on the dance floor, to open my arms to the world and let the love flow. To dance my dance. To sing my song. To trust my heart. That my presence is my gift. To be tender, to be gentle, to climb mountaintops, to sleep under the stars, to dance salsa, to ask for hugs, to sit in the morning dawn of Patagonia. To savor each moment. To welcome in all these different tones of love.

These are different lyrics than the Laura Brannigan version I grew up with and seem so much more in line with what I needed to hear. The song is sung by Umberto Tozzi, which I love considering I've been surrounded by Spanish and Italian these last few weeks. 

Here's to the glory of letting our beautiful wild hearts guide us, so we can all give and receive more love. And have those tender and wild places that we all have within us met with great care. Here's to getting out on the dance floor and doing our dance.

You’re missing in the air
Your presence is missing
Warm innocence
You’re missing in my mouth that without wanting to names you
And I will write my story with the word

Because here next to you the morning lights up
the truth and the lie are called Gloria

You’re missing in the air
You’re missing in the sky,
Burn me in your fire
Melt the snow
That freezes my chest
I await you Gloria.
Field of smiles
Water in the desert,
Open heart
Adventure of my mind,
My table, and my bed
Of the garden of my present
I await you Gloria

For whom the day waits
And while everyone sleeps,
With the memory invents
Aroma amongst the trees
In a magical land
For whom fog breathes
For whom rage breathes

You melting in her kisses
You disrobe provocatively
And I make shadows on the ceiling
Thinking of Gloria

You’re missing in the air
You’re missing in the sky,
Burn me in your fire
Melt the snow
That freezes my chest
I await you Gloria.

Gloria, Gloria, smiles (Gloria)
Water in the desert
(Gloria) open heart (Gloria)
Adventure of my mind my table
And my bed in my garden this you hope Glory

Gloria, (Gloria)
Field of smiles (Gloria)
Water in the desert, (Gloria)
Open heart (Gloria)
Adventure of my mind,
My table, and my bed
Of the garden of my present
I await you Gloria.

More love in Argentina

Still in Bariloche, Argentina.

We’re back to the night of the wedding…I wait for the sign that it is okay to go in, it’s around midnight. As I arrive at the back the room the traditional Argentinian band is playing on stage. The crowd is dancing. I take in the beauty of the room. I have the biggest smile on face, in my heart. Amazing. Paulina comes and grabs me to dance with a man and soon I am in a line of people doing a ‘traditional dance’. I feel a bit like Elizabeth Bennet at the Netherfield ball except I am in Argentina and wearing a sexy black jumpsuit. I am making up some dance moves..and then my partner becomes a lovely 10 year boy who also loves to dance. I can tell. And I feel myself relax into the magic of this night. The band raps up, there is great applause. Great delight and then the DJ starts playing and we dance.

Throughout the night, I experience new traditions: Jordan Almonds being thrown into the crowd gathered around the cake cutting (which here happens at about 1am), there are headbands of paper flowers in the colors of Italy (the groom is Italian) that guests are wearing, the bride and groom are lifted onto friends shoulders more times than I can count, glow in the dark bracelets are passed out at one point. A dessert table is set out around 3am. Pizza is passed out around 4am. And amongst all of it we dance.

For hours. I dance salsa with beautiful Argentinian men. I dance on a stage to electronica, sweat pouring off me with glow bracelets on my arms. I dance with new friends I met at the barbecue two nights before, so grateful to have met them and have them welcome me here. The woman who I reassured should be at the barbecue, is now reassuring me that the more happy people dancing the better.

I dance by myself, allowing my body to move me, guide me. I dance and I dance. And I. Am. So. Damn. Happy.

I am so full after this night of dancing, this night of a few kisses, this night feeling so beautiful with my mascara running down my face, this night of potato chip and peanuts dinner. I am so full. I am so full of these people gathered from all over the world to celebrate love. I am one of the last to leave, cleaning up here and there. Telling one of my salsa dance partners four times, in four various locations, you are not coming up to my room.

It’s around 5:45am and I am wide awake after a night of such love. Of feeling so alive in my body. So much joyful out loud LIVING. I grab my puffy coat and I go for walk in these waking hours of Patagonia. I walk through the woods for a bit and make my way to the terrace overlooking the lake and mountains that have some cloud cover which adds to the magic of this morning. I listen to the birds. I do gratitudes in my mind. I watch the clouds, and the colors of the changing sky.

I feel such a sense of profound peace, sitting out here alone on a chair, overlooking this part of the world that in two weeks has come to feel like a part of my soul. I am so grateful for all the work I have done to get me back to this place, this place where love is my guide.

Let the love flow.

Thank you universe. Thank you love.

Giving and receiving love

My wonderful Hotel Tunquelen hosted a wedding last night and I wasn’t sure how my night would unfold. I felt some magic brewing, some dancing going to happen. And I told myself to just allow and let it unfold.

Earlier in the day I follow my pleasure and walk to a hotel to buy some high quality chocolate for the family. I return to find the cousins gathered at the front of the hotel with the wedding in full swing in the back. We chat a bit and then this incredible woman, Paulina, comes out. This meeting of Paulina who is talking about her transparent dress, who is smoking while the ceremony goes on, who is so alive and powerful.

I go downstairs to write, not knowing part of the cocktail reception is there. Paulina invites me in to sit in some chairs and chat a bit more, me in my workout clothes. We share stories. How her husband cheated on her while she was in another country with her dying daughter. She tells of being an art restorer. Of the importance of living life. She speaks with such passion and joy.

Paulina tells me to go upstairs, to shower and change and come back down. I can’t imagine doing this, this ‘crashing of a wedding’ Then I see some of the men from the barbecue and they say the same thing. So I push myself, I stretch. I go upstairs, shower and change. And I feel so beautiful. It is so lovely wearing some beautiful clothes, having on some glittery eyeshadow. When I arrive back downstairs she takes me to the bar and orders me a pisco sour and hands me salami to eat. She introduces me to a man to salsa dance with me later in the evening.

And then these men, these Italians, these Argentinians, they look so damn handsome. They want me there. They want me at their tables, sharing the food and time with them. And while I decline, it feels lovely to be wanted, to be seen, to be appreciated by these fine men. Simply for being me. It feels magical and powerful to be seen by them. It reminds me of my light. Of my presence. of my joy. That because I show up in the world in as me, I am asked to join them at a wedding. And while I decline out of respect. I am so appreciative. I am flattered, I am delighted.

This seems to be the piece I have been missing so much of my life. This belief that me, showing up, simply being me, is enough. It is so more than enough. That by me pouring wine and offering bread at a barbecue two nights before, or saying hello to man in the hotel last week has somehow left an imprint on them. That they want more of that. They want more of me. They want more of my goodness, they want more of my heart, my essence.


An incredible gift to receive. I am humbled and excited. These handsome men seeing me.

I have known I am not meant to be at wedding. There for the toasts, the dance, and the meal.

That is sacred.

Sacred to this couple, sacred to their community and I have too much reverence for it to insert myself there. But I will pick up dirty napkins, empty cups, and bring them to the bar to play my role in their day. I will move a few tables and chairs, I will sit at the hotel bar and write english for the website of this place I have come to love so much. And then a musician comes in. He is here to play a few songs at the wedding. So I listen him play his guitar and I feel my body sway, my heart open, my relax.

This is love. this is life. and I am so grateful to be here in this moment. In a hot jumpsuit gifted to me by my friend Jill. Wearing earrings made by a sister friend Annie Huntley from Seattle, a ring from my friend Yaf in NYC, drinking Malbec wine from the Rio Negro, hearing the sounds of Argentina as I write to bring more people to this magical place. My place is, in this moment, writing this, sharing this story, hearing the musicians practice their scales. And I am not disappointed. I do not feel alone. I feel at peace. My brain was frantic today for a bit today. How will this unfold? I don’t want to be at the hotel when the wedding is happening, I don’t want to feel alone and yet in this moment I feel anything but.

This is love.

This way of wild living, this way of surrender. Of some how knowing it is all working out so perfectly. And I know I will dance. I know I will lose myself in the music and magic of tonight. I know I will feel beautiful and loved and welcomed. For I already do. I know I will feel sexy and in my body moving it to the energy of this magical place, on this magical evening, where two people have come together, with those who they love and those who love them to witness and celebrate their love. I have felt it all day, this coming together in love. I have felt what it means to their families and friends coming from Italy, from Argentina, Spain, Chile, the United States. This is what love does. It brings us together to celebrate and dance. To toast and cheer. To eat and drink. To meet new people, hear new languages.

Love brings me a woman who takes my hands and tells me her story, who shared her heart, who in her insanely vivacious and dynamic way brought me into her life, into this community. It is these moments of such human connection, that are so stunningly beautiful and profound.

Oh, and the traditional Argentinian musicians who were just practicing in the other room? Two of them just came in to ask for water and i asked them to sing for me.

So they just did.

These two men, sang in spanish for me. I looked them in the eyes and received the gift of their love. Of their talents.

And it is these moments through this night that remind me I am in the perfect place. I am not meant to be around those tables. I am meant to be here. Writing. Sharing. Hearing musicians practice their scales. Talking with cousins. This is my place in this moment. And I can’t wait to see what the universe brings to me next.

more please. more love. more dancing. more being in my body.

so much more love

Thank you universe, thank you for this love. These hours of giving and receiving love. These hours of being present to it. Thank you for peanuts and potato chips for dinner. Thank you for a beautiful place to write this. Thank you for Malbec, for shimmery lipgloss, for comfortable and sexy shoes, thank you for a rocking Marlies Decker bra. Thank you for these words, this heart, this body, this life.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Feeling magic in the air

I get settled into my sweet room back at Hotel Tunquelen on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Excited to see what will unfold today, feeling some magic in the air. I want to go into town to buy some gifts for the family: beer, wine and chocolate. A little thank you for all they’ve done for me. I write yesterday’s post and it takes so long as there is so much to digest after my 6 days on the island, after 42 years on this planet this go around.

One of the cousins is headed near town to a Carneceria, to get some meat for an asado (barbecue) for friends that are attending a wedding at the hotel tomorrow. After 6 days on the island I am dreading a bit the thought of going into a bustling city…but this Carneceria is located a bit outside of town. I will head in with him to get the beer and he can take it back in his car while I take the bus into town for good chocolate. We arrive and it’s a grocery store and I realize I can get almost everything I need here so I will not have to go into town. Thank you universe.

This is one of my favorite things to do while traveling: grocery shopping. I am delighted to wander the aisles, finding the big bottles of local Patagonia beer, a good bottle of Malbec for the uncles. I help the cousin get things he needs for his BBQ: aluminum foil, eggs…trying to find sweets for his grandmother and I love this. I love doing these everyday things in a different country.

And so I tell him I would be happy to help with the asado…after so many days of being so inwardly focused I so desire to be of service and to do something simple like cut tomatoes. When we get back to the family’s house we unpack the groceries and he takes me out to the outdoor fire pit. A thing of beauty. This creation for asado. Bricks. Out in nature. The bottle of the Malbec is opened for us to enjoy as we start preparing the fire and food. I am sent off with one of the younger cousins to gather wood and pine cones. I am chopping ham and cheese to scramble with eggs and put into green bell peppers that get wrapped up in aluminum foil and cooked in the fire along with potatoes. Some guests arrive. I find a large candle and then pick some flowers and greens for the table to make it beautiful.

More cousins arrive and we end up in the kitchen making empanadas with blood sausage, cutting bread, tomatoes, laughing, I am being teased, the music is playing, the cousins are dancing together. Total, complete joy. Something even better.

This is it. This moment is what it’s been about for me. This moment of hearing different languages, sounds, tasting new foods, helping create them. Opening bottles of wine for guests, getting things from the kitchen for the chef outside. Bringing more glasses out, talking with new friends. Hugging people, putting one woman at ease who feels she shouldn’t be there because she is a cousin of the groom..I tell her I’m a hotel guest so she should definitely be there. I meet a soul sister and we sit on a bench talking for a long time. I am brought bites of food by her date, he is making sure I am taken care of too and I am so grateful for that gesture. There is a dance party in front of the fire and at the end of the night there are hugs.

And so it doesn’t matter that I don’t have a home. I got to do some of my favorite things in the world today. I got to help create and receive communion, beauty, delicious food. I got to speak in several languages (badly, but done), meet a soul sister, laugh with new friends, dance outside.

I got to give and receive love.

And it is such a beautiful reminder for me to follow my wild ways. To keep trusting this is the life I am here to live. To keep using my heart, pleasure and intuition as my guide.

Thank you universe. More please.