Reclaiming my wild

So this weekend was full of reclaiming my wild, reclaiming my essence. I spent a lot of time chatting with my teenager about sex, about how it is more than okay to desire men, women, how it is a beautiful thing. How the shame around it comes from our families, our culture. But we are going to choose to release the shame and embrace our turn on. We are going to set ourselves free to own our orgasm, our yoni's desires. And we are going to research by being super honest about what turn's us on. The people, the places, does it feel in our body? and without judgment. Without analysis. Just wander around and see- yes, no, nada..and to keep stepping towards the yes's. No more loaves of wonder bread when there is a gluten free brown bread roll with our name on it. No more conversations that don't turn us on. No more giving out our number to men who don't turn us on. Let the universe know what we stand for. What our worth is. And that being turned on, being surrounded by quality that matches us, that is true to us, well that is how we get to co-create our existence. That is how we get our power back. To call in the feelings and tones we want to be surrounded by and to set the intention that only energy that is alignment with us and serves our highest self is welcome in our space.

Reclaiming our power, our truth.

And in the midst of this research, I revisited the wonderful man I met at the Union Square Christmas Market for a high vibe hug, I followed my intuition to the Tartan Christmas at a church because I am obsessed with all things Scottish now and sat in the chapel under the words, "pure in heart' and cried wondering how did I lose those words as something that are so valuable and something I so desire in my life. And then a slow afternoon of napping, dancing and walking downstairs to my hotel to journal and allow rather than going out seeking. And asking a man next to me what he had ordered that looked so good. 15 minutes later, after he had tried both of the dishes, I found myself receiving one that he had ordered for me as a gift. Steak Tartare from a lovely Italian man who travels the world, who is kind and good. We talked of world politics, his desires for Italy, he gave me a list of places to go in Argentina, we spoke of his 12 year old daughter, such richness there and then we say goodnight. And yesterday. Walking over the Manhattan Bridge to take in the contrast of Chinatown, the Financial District, the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Taking photos of graffiti that popped out at me. Meeting a group of new friends at Amy Fronczkiewicz incredible photography exhibit of her travels to Granada, Nicaragua. Making new friends. Sharing stories of learning how to hone my intuition, of releasing my possessions, of labradorite. Meeting another woman headed to the same Qoya dance class so I received a ride and we spoke of men and our desires to speak with complete honesty with them and to receive that back. Then Qoya... The theme?


I kid you not. I love the universe. And so I danced for my true nature to be revealed, returned to me..and after a lot of resistance and ego blocking, I got into my body and during the free dance found myself over the altar dancing wildly, freely, witchly- calling in the energy of mother earth of father sky, so out of my head, so free, so so deliciously in my nature of the power of my body. Then we danced again - this time dedicating the the same song to someone. I started by dedicated my dance to my family- that I have reclaimed my wild for all of us- my ancestors, my mother, my father, that I have reclaimed sensuality, sex, voice, intuition, the feminine for all of us. Sobbing as I dance. Then for my sisters. That we may all be free, we may all be living in our wild bodies. And then, to my great surprise and delight, for my brothers. For the men to be able to reclaim their truth- to live in their hearts and their bodies as well. So that we may all love each more, so that we may find our way back to one another with love.

After taking the subway home I had such sexual energy coursing through me I had to walk through Soho for 30 minutes dancing, walking to move it through. Part of my truth this sexual energy. This beautiful gift from the divine, that is a part of our sacred selves. And something in me was released in that class- some shame, some hesitancy, some old energetic cords to family. And so this morning I awoke, feeling so tender, so soft, so close to my essence. And I wrote. I wrote of the card I pulled at Qoya, the Condor- I am too enmeshed in something. I need to pull back and see the bigger picture. I need to recreate my Vision. I wrote that I have been so busy trying to change myself I forgot to see how beautiful my essence truly is. And so I write for my teenager. How strong I am, how brave, how wise. How my desires are so perfect for me. How wanting heart connection with people, with men is powerful and beautiful and to not disregard it thinking it won't happen. Or that it has to be either/or sexual connection or heart connection. Love Capers Nun energy or the whore. It can be all. And i know this because I am all. I am both the Nun and the Whore. The mother and the lover. I am the sacred prostitute that heals with touch and my heart. I am the witch that senses things with my body. This is my true essence and it is beautiful. There is nothing to change, there is merely a continued journey home and to stay centered and grounded in my essence. In my truth when so much of the world- magazines, tv, my ego, workshops, books, rules.. are encouraging me to be different. Or others who are in disapproval of my essence because they disapprove of those parts of themselves. So my 'work' is to merely be.

And I feel my body and heart relax into this. I feel the tears flow. I feel hope of meeting my man returning. My work is to deeply love and honor myself so I can be in alignment with my truth and live from here. My work is to use my body to sense what feels best to be. My work is to joyfully delight in every bite of food I choose to nourish my body with, to gratefully go to Qoya to connect with my body, to commit to my morning rituals, to watch less tv and sit with more stillness, to open myself up to men and see what feels amazing and what feels blah, my work is to trust and honor my wild essence. to trust and honor my heart.

My work is to be me, to deeply, reverently love myself. To love my true colors. This is where my wild lives, this is where I create my best life from. May you live your true colors, your wild essence.

So this weekend was full of reclaiming my wild, reclaiming my essence. I spent a lot of time chatting with my teenager about sex, about how it is more than okay to desire men, women, how it is a beautiful thing. How the shame around it comes from our families, our culture. But we are going to choose to release the shame and embrace our turn on. We are going to set ourselves free to own our orgasm, our yoni's desires. And we are going to research by being super honest about what turn's us on. The people, the places, does it feel in our body? and without judgment. Without analysis. Just wander around and see- yes, no, nada..and to keep stepping towards the yes's. No more loaves of wonder bread when there is a gluten free brown bread roll with our name on it. No more conversations that don't turn us on. No more giving out our number to men who don't turn us on. Let the universe know what we stand for. What our worth is. And that being turned on, being surrounded by quality that matches us, that is true to us, well that is how we get to co-create our existence. That is how we get our power back. To call in the feelings and tones we want to be surrounded by and to set the intention that only energy that is alignment with us and serves our highest self is welcome in our space.
Reclaiming our power, our truth.
And in the midst of this research, I revisited the wonderful man I met at the Union Square Christmas Market for a high vibe hug, I followed my intuition to the Tartan Christmas at a church because I am obsessed with all things Scottish now and sat in the chapel under the words, "pure in heart' and cried wondering how did I lose those words as something that are so valuable and something I so desire in my life. And then a slow afternoon of napping, dancing and walking downstairs to my hotel to journal and allow rather than going out seeking. And asking a man next to me what he had ordered that looked so good. 15 minutes later, after he had tried both of the dishes, I found myself receiving one that he had ordered for me as a gift. Steak Tartare from a lovely Italian man who travels the world, who is kind and good. We talked of world politics, his desires for Italy, he gave me a list of places to go in Argentina, we spoke of his 12 year old daughter, such richness there and then we say goodnight. And yesterday. Walking over the Manhattan Bridge to take in the contrast of Chinatown, the Financial District, the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Taking photos of graffiti that popped out at me. Meeting a group of new friends at Amy Fronczkiewicz incredible photography exhibit of her travels to Granada, Nicaragua. Making new friends. Sharing stories of learning how to hone my intuition, of releasing my possessions, of labradorite. Meeting another woman headed to the same Qoya dance class so I received a ride and we spoke of men and our desires to speak with complete honesty with them and to receive that back. Then Qoya... The theme?
I kid you not. I love the universe. And so I danced for my true nature to be revealed, returned to me..and after a lot of resistance and ego blocking, I got into my body and during the free dance found myself over the altar dancing wildly, freely, witchly- calling in the energy of mother earth of father sky, so out of my head, so free, so so deliciously in my nature of the power of my body. Then we danced again - this time dedicating the the same song to someone. I started by dedicated my dance to my family- that I have reclaimed my wild for all of us- my ancestors, my mother, my father, that I have reclaimed sensuality, sex, voice, intuition, the feminine for all of us. Sobbing as I dance. Then for my sisters. That we may all be free, we may all be living in our wild bodies. And then, to my great surprise and delight, for my brothers. For the men to be able to reclaim their truth- to live in their hearts and their bodies as well. So that we may all love each more, so that we may find our way back to one another with love.
After taking the subway home I had such sexual energy coursing through me I had to walk through Soho for 30 minutes dancing, walking to move it through. Part of my truth this sexual energy. This beautiful gift from the divine, that is a part of our sacred selves. And something in me was released in that class- some shame, some hesitancy, some old energetic cords to family. And so this morning I awoke, feeling so tender, so soft, so close to my essence. And I wrote. I wrote of the card I pulled at Qoya, the Condor- I am too enmeshed in something. I need to pull back and see the bigger picture. I need to recreate my Vision. I wrote that I have been so busy trying to change myself I forgot to see how beautiful my essence truly is. And so I write for my teenager. How strong I am, how brave, how wise. How my desires are so perfect for me. How wanting heart connection with people, with men is powerful and beautiful and to not disregard it thinking it won't happen. Or that it has to be either/or sexual connection or heart connection. Love Capers Nun energy or the whore. It can be all. And i know this because I am all. I am both the Nun and the Whore. The mother and the lover. I am the sacred prostitute that heals with touch and my heart. I am the witch that senses things with my body. This is my true essence and it is beautiful. There is nothing to change, there is merely a continued journey home and to stay centered and grounded in my essence. In my truth when so much of the world- magazines, tv, my ego, workshops, books, rules.. are encouraging me to be different. Or others who are in disapproval of my essence because they disapprove of those parts of themselves. So my 'work' is to merely be.
And I feel my body and heart relax into this. I feel the tears flow. I feel hope of meeting my man returning. My work is to deeply love and honor myself so I can be in alignment with my truth and live from here. My work is to use my body to sense what feels best to be. My work is to joyfully delight in every bite of food I choose to nourish my body with, to gratefully go to Qoya to connect with my body, to commit to my morning rituals, to watch less tv and sit with more stillness, to open myself up to men and see what feels amazing and what feels blah, my work is to trust and honor my wild essence. to trust and honor my heart.

My work is to be me, to deeply, reverently love myself. To love my true colors. This is where my wild lives, this is where I create my best life from. May you live your true colors, your wild essence.

Check out this YouTube video of Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors" video.

I love men

I woke up this morning with this thought jumping through my brain like a kid jumping on a mattress

'I love men! I love men'

And I don't think I really have loved men and felt safe with them. Ever.

So this feels like a miracle. I'm so excited to see what's next for me.

Oh and I might have jumped up and down on my mattress a few times.

I pulled a card from my Mary Magdalene oracle deck and it was Liberation.

'All the events of your life, regardless of whether you label them good or bad, are simply acts of love...It's safe for you to open your heart...through self acceptance comes a new found sense of freedom which transforms the way you see life and the world around you.'

Like I said I might have jumped on the mattress.

Thank you universe. Thank you divine for helping me heal this ancient wound.

Did I mention, I love men.

Here's to what's next.




Gratitude for men

I just got back from a Qoya dance class with the theme of Gratitude. What is the thing that has been most challenging for you to be grateful for? The word that came to me. Men. Missing out on opportunities to be loved by them. Missing out on having them in my life. Hating them. Feeling betrayed by them. Being killed by them in so many lifetimes for my very essence of the feminine. For my fire. My intuition. My bodies wisdom. My sexuality. My sensuality. Being Hated by them. Feared by them. That pain along with the the pain of being an abuse survivor this go around. And a survivor of deep disapproval for my essence, my feminine ways.

And dancing in gratitude for all of that. Finding the gifts in all of it. Allowing my body to move through the pain and finding the gifts in it. Crawling across the floor during Hallelujah to dance my journey. Not moving for minutes while I wailed in deep deep grief then crawling across the floor, taking my shirt off. Caressing my breasts, my heart, my thighs, my yoni.

Thank you for your fear, for every ounce of hatred. for every moment of shaming me, hurting me, hating me, rejecting me. Thank you. Because of this I came back home to my body. Because of this I know my power. My magic. My wild. I know pleasure is my birthright. Because of you I know I am sacred. Precious. Revered. Because of this I wear heels and dance around a pole. Have sisterhood. Drink green juice. Get massages. Am part of an Oracle Circle. Know that I am a witch. A mermaid. A goddess. A sacred prostitute. A work of art. Love every nuance of me. Every color, every shade. Because of you I revere myself. I left a marriage and kept committing to my truth, to finding it and standing for it. i found compassion. Gentleness. Tenderness. Tears. I found allowing, receiving, vulnerability. Talismans. I've danced with horses on a cliff in Maui. Communed with Everest and Annapurna. Danced on a bridge over the Colorado River in the basin of the Grand Canyon. Walked the sacred lands of this world. Fell in love with nature. With my thighs. With my yoni. Fell in love with my soul, my mind, my essence. Because of you I value beauty, pendulums, crystals, tarot cards, mystics. Because of you I light candles in churches, follow my intuition, hug strangers, hug trees, dance under full moons, buy Marlies Dekker Bra's, travel the world with joy and confidence and approval.. Because of you I released adaptations and am living a wild true life that is perfect for me. Because of you i am open to more than I ever imagined. Thank you for the pain, for breaking my heart, breaking my spirit- because you did. Let's not lie about that. But I reclaimed it. I am whole. I love more deeply, more honestly than ever before. More wisely. More powerful, I heal with my touch, with my gaze. I caress and moan again. You almost got that too. But you didn't.

So thank you. Tonight I danced my gratitudes to you all with a smile on my face. Tonight I reclaimed the back of my heart from being closed off, armored off. Tonight I reclaimed a softness I've never met before. Tonight I loved all of my colors. Tonight I moved through something so ancient, so heavy, so intense, so deeply entrenched in me I didn't know it was there. And now it's gone. Alchemized by the power of my body, the power of my wild heart. And now there is space. Space for more reverence. More LOVE. More pleasure. More freedom. More truth. More of the good. I welcome it. I am so worth it. Oh, thank you for that too.

Check out this YouTube video of Jeff Buckley performing Halleluah.



Reclaiming my wild

So this weekend was full of reclaiming my wild, reclaiming my essence. I spent a lot of time chatting with my teenager about sex, about how it is more than okay to desire men, women, how it is a beautiful thing. How the shame around it comes from our families, our culture. But we are going to choose to release the shame and embrace our turn on. We are going to set ourselves free to own our orgasm, our yoni's desires. And we are going to research by being super honest about what turn's us on. The people, the places, does it feel in our body? and without judgment. Without analysis. Just wander around and see- yes, no, nada..and to keep stepping towards the yes's. No more loaves of wonder bread when there is a gluten free brown bread roll with our name on it. No more conversations that don't turn us on. No more giving out our number to men who don't turn us on. Let the universe know what we stand for. What our worth is. And that being turned on, being surrounded by quality that matches us, that is true to us, well that is how we get to co-create our existence. That is how we get our power back. To call in the feelings and tones we want to be surrounded by and to set the intention that only energy that is alignment with us and serves our highest self is welcome in our space.

Reclaiming our power, our truth.

And in the midst of this research, I revisited the wonderful man I met at the Union Square Christmas Market for a high vibe hug, I followed my intuition to the Tartan Christmas at a church because I am obsessed with all things Scottish now and sat in the chapel under the words, "pure in heart' and cried wondering how did I lose those words as something that are so valuable and something I so desire in my life. And then a slow afternoon of napping, dancing and walking downstairs to my hotel to journal and allow rather than going out seeking. And asking a man next to me what he had ordered that looked so good. 15 minutes later, after he had tried both of the dishes, I found myself receiving one that he had ordered for me as a gift. Steak Tartare from a lovely Italian man who travels the world, who is kind and good. We talked of world politics, his desires for Italy, he gave me a list of places to go in Argentina, we spoke of his 12 year old daughter, such richness there and then we say goodnight. And yesterday. Walking over the Manhattan Bridge to take in the contrast of Chinatown, the Financial District, the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Taking photos of graffiti that popped out at me. Meeting a group of new friends at Amy Fronczkiewicz incredible photography exhibit of her travels to Granada, Nicaragua. Making new friends. Sharing stories of learning how to hone my intuition, of releasing my possessions, of labradorite. Meeting another woman headed to the same Qoya dance class so I received a ride and we spoke of men and our desires to speak with complete honesty with them and to receive that back. Then Qoya... The theme?


I kid you not. I love the universe. And so I danced for my true nature to be revealed, returned to me..and after a lot of resistance and ego blocking, I got into my body and during the free dance found myself over the altar dancing wildly, freely, witchly- calling in the energy of mother earth of father sky, so out of my head, so free, so so deliciously in my nature of the power of my body. Then we danced again - this time dedicating the the same song to someone. I started by dedicated my dance to my family- that I have reclaimed my wild for all of us- my ancestors, my mother, my father, that I have reclaimed sensuality, sex, voice, intuition, the feminine for all of us. Sobbing as I dance. Then for my sisters. That we may all be free, we may all be living in our wild bodies. And then, to my great surprise and delight, for my brothers. For the men to be able to reclaim their truth- to live in their hearts and their bodies as well. So that we may all love each more, so that we may find our way back to one another with love.

After taking the subway home I had such sexual energy coursing through me I had to walk through Soho for 30 minutes dancing, walking to move it through. Part of my truth this sexual energy. This beautiful gift from the divine, that is a part of our sacred selves. And something in me was released in that class- some shame, some hesitancy, some old energetic cords to family. And so this morning I awoke, feeling so tender, so soft, so close to my essence. And I wrote. I wrote of the card I pulled at Qoya, the Condor- I am too enmeshed in something. I need to pull back and see the bigger picture. I need to recreate my Vision. I wrote that I have been so busy trying to change myself I forgot to see how beautiful my essence truly is. And so I write for my teenager. How strong I am, how brave, how wise. How my desires are so perfect for me. How wanting heart connection with people, with men is powerful and beautiful and to not disregard it thinking it won't happen. Or that it has to be either/or sexual connection or heart connection. Love Capers Nun energy or the whore. It can be all. And i know this because I am all. I am both the Nun and the Whore. The mother and the lover. I am the sacred prostitute that heals with touch and my heart. I am the witch that senses things with my body. This is my true essence and it is beautiful. There is nothing to change, there is merely a continued journey home and to stay centered and grounded in my essence. In my truth when so much of the world- magazines, tv, my ego, workshops, books, rules.. are encouraging me to be different. Or others who are in disapproval of my essence because they disapprove of those parts of themselves. So my 'work' is to merely be.

And I feel my body and heart relax into this. I feel the tears flow. I feel hope of meeting my man returning. My work is to deeply love and honor myself so I can be in alignment with my truth and live from here. My work is to use my body to sense what feels best to be. My work is to joyfully delight in every bite of food I choose to nourish my body with, to gratefully go to Qoya to connect with my body, to commit to my morning rituals, to watch less tv and sit with more stillness, to open myself up to men and see what feels amazing and what feels blah, my work is to trust and honor my wild essence. to trust and honor my heart.

My work is to be me, to deeply, reverently love myself. To love my true colors. This is where my wild lives, this is where I create my best life from. May you live your true colors, your wild essence.

So this weekend was full of reclaiming my wild, reclaiming my essence. I spent a lot of time chatting with my teenager about sex, about how it is more than okay to desire men, women, how it is a beautiful thing. How the shame around it comes from our families, our culture. But we are going to choose to release the shame and embrace our turn on. We are going to set ourselves free to own our orgasm, our yoni's desires. And we are going to research by being super honest about what turn's us on. The people, the places, does it feel in our body? and without judgment. Without analysis. Just wander around and see- yes, no, nada..and to keep stepping towards the yes's. No more loaves of wonder bread when there is a gluten free brown bread roll with our name on it. No more conversations that don't turn us on. No more giving out our number to men who don't turn us on. Let the universe know what we stand for. What our worth is. And that being turned on, being surrounded by quality that matches us, that is true to us, well that is how we get to co-create our existence. That is how we get our power back. To call in the feelings and tones we want to be surrounded by and to set the intention that only energy that is alignment with us and serves our highest self is welcome in our space.
Reclaiming our power, our truth.
And in the midst of this research, I revisited the wonderful man I met at the Union Square Christmas Market for a high vibe hug, I followed my intuition to the Tartan Christmas at a church because I am obsessed with all things Scottish now and sat in the chapel under the words, "pure in heart' and cried wondering how did I lose those words as something that are so valuable and something I so desire in my life. And then a slow afternoon of napping, dancing and walking downstairs to my hotel to journal and allow rather than going out seeking. And asking a man next to me what he had ordered that looked so good. 15 minutes later, after he had tried both of the dishes, I found myself receiving one that he had ordered for me as a gift. Steak Tartare from a lovely Italian man who travels the world, who is kind and good. We talked of world politics, his desires for Italy, he gave me a list of places to go in Argentina, we spoke of his 12 year old daughter, such richness there and then we say goodnight. And yesterday. Walking over the Manhattan Bridge to take in the contrast of Chinatown, the Financial District, the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset with the Statue of Liberty in the background. Taking photos of graffiti that popped out at me. Meeting a group of new friends at Amy Fronczkiewicz incredible photography exhibit of her travels to Granada, Nicaragua. Making new friends. Sharing stories of learning how to hone my intuition, of releasing my possessions, of labradorite. Meeting another woman headed to the same Qoya dance class so I received a ride and we spoke of men and our desires to speak with complete honesty with them and to receive that back. Then Qoya... The theme?
I kid you not. I love the universe. And so I danced for my true nature to be revealed, returned to me..and after a lot of resistance and ego blocking, I got into my body and during the free dance found myself over the altar dancing wildly, freely, witchly- calling in the energy of mother earth of father sky, so out of my head, so free, so so deliciously in my nature of the power of my body. Then we danced again - this time dedicating the the same song to someone. I started by dedicated my dance to my family- that I have reclaimed my wild for all of us- my ancestors, my mother, my father, that I have reclaimed sensuality, sex, voice, intuition, the feminine for all of us. Sobbing as I dance. Then for my sisters. That we may all be free, we may all be living in our wild bodies. And then, to my great surprise and delight, for my brothers. For the men to be able to reclaim their truth- to live in their hearts and their bodies as well. So that we may all love each more, so that we may find our way back to one another with love.
After taking the subway home I had such sexual energy coursing through me I had to walk through Soho for 30 minutes dancing, walking to move it through. Part of my truth this sexual energy. This beautiful gift from the divine, that is a part of our sacred selves. And something in me was released in that class- some shame, some hesitancy, some old energetic cords to family. And so this morning I awoke, feeling so tender, so soft, so close to my essence. And I wrote. I wrote of the card I pulled at Qoya, the Condor- I am too enmeshed in something. I need to pull back and see the bigger picture. I need to recreate my Vision. I wrote that I have been so busy trying to change myself I forgot to see how beautiful my essence truly is. And so I write for my teenager. How strong I am, how brave, how wise. How my desires are so perfect for me. How wanting heart connection with people, with men is powerful and beautiful and to not disregard it thinking it won't happen. Or that it has to be either/or sexual connection or heart connection. Love Capers Nun energy or the whore. It can be all. And i know this because I am all. I am both the Nun and the Whore. The mother and the lover. I am the sacred prostitute that heals with touch and my heart. I am the witch that senses things with my body. This is my true essence and it is beautiful. There is nothing to change, there is merely a continued journey home and to stay centered and grounded in my essence. In my truth when so much of the world- magazines, tv, my ego, workshops, books, rules.. are encouraging me to be different. Or others who are in disapproval of my essence because they disapprove of those parts of themselves. So my 'work' is to merely be.
And I feel my body and heart relax into this. I feel the tears flow. I feel hope of meeting my man returning. My work is to deeply love and honor myself so I can be in alignment with my truth and live from here. My work is to use my body to sense what feels best to be. My work is to joyfully delight in every bite of food I choose to nourish my body with, to gratefully go to Qoya to connect with my body, to commit to my morning rituals, to watch less tv and sit with more stillness, to open myself up to men and see what feels amazing and what feels blah, my work is to trust and honor my wild essence. to trust and honor my heart.

My work is to be me, to deeply, reverently love myself. To love my true colors. This is where my wild lives, this is where I create my best life from. May you live your true colors, your wild essence.

Check out this YouTube video of Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors" video.

The kissing booth

So much magic as I surrender and explore NYC. As I do my best to be present in each moment and let life unfold, to allow the new to come with all the space created in releasing the old. To shift and change and surrender and be in gratitude and attempted grace. One of my biggest changes is writing about my reclamation of my turn on and diving into this concept of sacred sex that's been swirling about me for years but that I wasn't ready to really welcome in/discuss/shift. It made me uncomfortable. I had fear that in doing this, in claiming and discussing my sexual power, in discussing this aspect of my journey as a woman, a human, that I would be shunned, excommunicated, Facebook unfriended, judged.

And I'm moving through this, honoring the call to write and share about something that impacts so many of us. I've been diving in to what is sex? What is sacred? Where did my fear of it come from? Why did my body clench at the thought of it. Why did my heart clench at the thought of it? And I'm remembering that sex isn't intercourse, there is so much more to it. I am undoing the layers of what I was taught by our culture and reclaiming sex for me. Making up my own beliefs, my own 'rules.'

A little backstory. This year my gifts to Burning Man were hugs, kisses and appreciating men. And so the universe brought me to the Kissing Booth to volunteer for a few hours. In a literal booth, given a megaphone (hello can you say heaven?) Kissees were given a menu of options to choose from on said booth. Passionate. Loving. Playful. Grandmotherly. Creepy. Angry. Tantric. With sides available. A nuzzle, a nibble, a fondle, a spank. I decided that as the kisser I would choose where this kiss happened. Which was incredibly powerful for me to take back my power in this situation. I was guided where to kiss people. And so I kissed foreheads with great tenderness, caressed ears with gentleness, bit lower lips with heat, shoved someone away as part of the angry kiss, I nuzzled necks, nibbled them too. And with each interaction I would hold the person's gaze and connect with them. I would get us breathing together. Feeling each other and then I would start the kiss. I loved this. I loved this way of interacting. I loved caressing arms, leaning into a person's embrace (because yes, some women came up to the booth too). I loved feeling their bodies relax, seeing their smiles, feeling their hearts open- especially after the Loving kisses, where I would spend a minute or two just caressing their face with my hands. It didn't matter what age, gender, or look they had. When we held our eyes- all of that melted away.


I felt the sacredness in each interaction. I felt our hearts and our souls and our body communing in a powerful way without words. And in a moment there was connection, then we moved on. It wasn't slutty or shameful. It was divine. It was sacred. It was communion.

And that was September and the memory of those kisses and that energy had faded amidst leaving Seattle, amongst a missed connection with a man in Toronto. And then on Saturday night I was guided to walk through the Christmas Booth's at Union Square and came across a booth full of Buddhas from Bali. And as I walk into the booth, the man working there is stepping up on a bench and almost falls. We share a laugh, we start talking- discovering we are both Burners, that we both love Bali. I start telling him about the kissing booth and mid story, he stops me and says "Do you want to kiss me?" "oh, No, no." I felt flustered, got a bit ungrounded, talked some more, and then said "yes, I would like to kiss you." It was a very sweet kiss, not passionate, just two sets of lips meeting for a few brief seconds, twice. And then we hugged. And I felt his arms around me. And I melted. With all the change, all the moving, the shifting, the releasing, I needed a hug from this beautiful man with such strong arms, with such a pure heart. Nuzzling his neck, breathing him in, feeling safe, receiving the gifts of his embrace. Needing it more than I knew. It moved me. It delighted me. It turned me on. And so I stayed there awhile.

And I remembered.

This feels good. This isn't something to push away, or fear, or deny I want. This is true and deep and possible. That we are one and being one means touch. Means leaning into one another, means smelling, caressing and kissing. It means letting the walls fall down and welcoming in the essence of another into your space. And knowing I'm safe. This time I get to be safe. I get to be held. It gets to be sacred. Elevated. Divine. And I get to decide what that is for me.

You get to decide what that is for you.

Such gratitude for the divine, for the reminder, for this beautiful spirit coming into my life. So grateful to have been held when I needed it. To have been brave and true and awkward and human. Grateful to be taking this kissing booth energy out into the world. To reclaim this essence for myself. To reclaim this essence for the world. That it matters, that its easy, rich and beautiful. So grateful to live in a time where I can experience it, write about it, delight in it, research it. So damn grateful.

Thank you universe. Thank you kissing booth energy. Thank you.