I wanted to make a video showing inspiring footage of people enjoying nature and how much it adds to our world. Then I found this. Thank you LuluLemon for creating this and reminding me how much I love to be in the wild. how connected and alive I feel. how nourishing it is to my senses, my soul, my body..how fun it can be. The profound beauty that awaits us in every moment. Grateful for nature and for all the creative folks who created this video. Enjoy. Love, Kim
Savoring and Gratitude
To me, beauty is all about savoring the moment; a bite of food, a sip of wine, my 7 year-old goddaughters soccer game where the girls are all chasing the ball and the goalie is inside the goal box so everytime she gets the ball, the other team scores...Beautiful! It's about slowing down to see the beauty in our world and being present to what's happening around us and within us. Farmer's Markets, fall leaves, grey hairs, a good cry, LOST's season finale, Volunteer Park Cafe's Chocolate Chip Toffee cookie. It's about changing what we believe or what we've been told is ugly or not good enough; curvy thighs, aging, difference of opinions, brown velour jumpsuits.
And it's about having gratitude for the people who create beauty in our world- parents, architects, artists, farmers, builders, cooks, retail store owners, writers, mother nature...the list is endless. Each day I'll honor someone who I'm grateful for bringing beauty into our world and I'll be sending them a card to say 'thanks' as well. Who would you send a card to today? Or call. Go ahead. Spread beauty in our world...you'll start noticing a difference in how you live your life, how you look at things. Possibilities bubble up, life expands and with that comes more joy, happiness and laughter. It's a pretty fantastic lense to use to walk through the world.