What do Pitch Perfect 2 and Wild Love have in common?

Hello Amazing People. 

I hope you had a delicious weekend full of exactly what your wild self needed. Me? I was super quiet for most of the weekend and then yesterday I went and saw Pitch Perfect 2 with a dear friend. Damn was it good to laugh! And I loved that the movie was about sisterhood, the power of being raw and vulnerable, collaboration rather than competition, honoring those that came before you and how when we shine our light on each other we all get to shine. 

Who shines the flashlight on your when you're in need of it? Ultimately we need to be our own flashlights too and it's great to have peeps who help you see your light when it might have gone missing or you need to spend some time mucking through sadness, grief, jealousy to get through them. The thing is LOVE is the light. So let your love shine. We need your wild love to bring the world back in harmony.  So today, shine your light. On yourself, your friends, your co-workers. Shower the world with love and see how it feels. 

Pre-order now! iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PitchPerfect2 Amazon CD: http://smarturl.it/PitchPerfectTwoCD Amazon LP:http://smarturl.it/PitchPerfectTwoLP Amazon Mp3: http://smarturl.it/PitchPerfectTwoMp3