Your prescription for a more pleasurable life.


Books, experiences, podcasts, outings, thoughts, ideas, people, food, songs...

Imagine...Pleasure as your medicine. 

Pleasure RX is a community led by Kim Shirley, with a private Facebook group and weekly resources to support you in your pleasure expansion.  

For example, your Pleasure RX could be:

  • naps at a park- no books allowed
  • massage
  • dance
  • Brene Brown's Ted talk on Vulnerability
  • Make a playlist that moves you  
  • Ask a friend for support
  • read Breaking Open by Elizabeth Lesser
  • Help connect you to your desires and pleasures that soothe, engage and expand us. 

I desire to share my wisdom, blessings and learnings with as many women as possible so there is more love, radiance, dance and wild, free living in the world. And for you to share your wisdom with us.  I ask you to pay what you desire to get access to our Pleasure RX community and its wisdom.  Perhaps gift it to a friend as well?