Today I danced

Today I danced. I haven't dance much in the past few months and today while walking along the shoreline in Seattle under a dreary grey sky I danced. I pressed Shuffle on my playlist. Kim's Magic Cauldron. Trying to connect to all the magic within me, all the wisdom I have to believe is still inside of me even though I feel so disconnected. So today I danced.

And there has been some joy- gifted guacamole, strolling through the Farmer's market in this cold, rainy day and getting to sample food, to connect with people, to get some joy going around me. Heading to Finding Vincent and amongst all of this healing up trying to find the gratitudes and continuing to understand as I munched on gluten free scone, the privilege I have in my life. I desire to use this privilege to heal up and create more joy and love. For me, my brain and the world.

I am grateful I danced. I am grateful for the memories and more than anything I want to keep dancing my way to wholeness, to thrivation, to deep, expansiveness, being silly, hugging strangers, taking in beauty, fearless writing and living.

More goodness and healing universe. More please.

testing 1, 2, 3...

Hello lovely's been awhile and I discovered my RSS feed was turned off along with me spending a lot more time writing and sharing on Facebook. I am working on creating some systems so all of this flows with greater ease and I can get more of me in the world though my words and things are happening! testing here and will see if this goes out in the morning. I am sending you all love, flip flop wearing freedom, delicious wild hearted living that is shaking the world up so more and more of us is in the world. It is so time, don't you think? and let me know how your life is changing..have you bought the camper you dreamed of? Ditched the suits and only wear long skirts? Found that job you love only wear amazing suits that turn you on? Here's to us changing the world and sinking into our hearts more and more. Into softness and kindness that radiates through the world and makes it a truly welcoming place to live for all. Along with lots of ukulele playing, lots of play and joy. Because my belief is that what it is truly all about. I send you love as you create this for yourself, in your way, in your place. Love to you. K

Creating more love for all on Valentine's Day

Some ideas for new ways of loving each other up on Valentine’s day to inspire people to gather, share and create love. You can post this and share it if you like the idea. What a gift, to create more love for all, especially now.

Valentine’s Day is for Everyone…it is a day of love. Let’s create the love we all desire in the world, in the way we truly want to give and receive. Let’s move beyond red roses and chocolate and choose real love, create real love…this changes the world for all of us. Everyday. 

What do you really desire if you could ask for one act of love or a way to receive love on this day.  Would it really be red roses? Maybe you love tulips, or would prefer to go for a walk at the beach, or a gift certificate for an experience you've been wanting to try out...trapeze? ukulele? quilting supplies? a babysitter so you can spend a day napping on the grass? 

Turn off the lights, light some candles and give each foot rubs, talk about your dreams.  You can do this with yours kids too. Slow down and enjoy one another. 

In your workplace, family, neighborhood, schools, women's circle, basketball team, family, yoga class...

Connect with a domestic shelter, a homeless shelter and shower these people with love. What do they have on their wish list? Maybe gift cards for things the shelters need to offer more beauty, more comfort to the people who live there. Or perhaps you have those things in your home and aren't using them?

Go through your closets and donate clothes, shoes, scarves, jewelery, jackets, toiletries (how many of us have copious amounts of soaps and lotions?).  

Maybe you make some handmade Valentine's with your kids, your co-workers, your basketball team..and deliver it to a hospice, a hospital, a senior citizen center, a veterans organization. Cards, a hug, a laugh, playing a game with them, sharing stories, listening, holding their hand. Spend time with people enjoying one another.

Instead of buying things, use that incredible imagination of yours and see what comes up. for yourself, for your partner, your kids, anyone you want to share love with.

Use the red rose money to gift to your favorite cause/charity.

Take some time this weekend to think of people who have brought love into your life. Write them a note, an email and let them know how much their love has meant to you. Imagine receiving a letter like this, what a gift to give. 

Love to bake? Make some high quality cacao balls (think no white sugar/white flour). Google and pinterest are your friends here. Hand them out on the bus, at work, at school...spread the heart healing medicine of cacao and things made with love. It matters and your body will love you for it too.

Really use this day of love to create more in the world and to start thinking about creating it more and more everyday. There are infinite possibilities and what an exciting thing to spend time creating.

Big love to you all as you add your own magic to this, to love and make our world a kinder, more generous, loving place to be.