Thank you, Seattle

Tonight I went to Volunteer Park to say thank you. Thank for you the dahlia's, for a place to dance in nature so close to my home, to read a book, thank you for the sunshine, the naps, the trees, the swing set, the picnics...I put Spotify on shuffle play and danced my gratitudes. The last song that came up is the new version of Higher Love. And that is what nature has become for me. The Higher Love i was looking for. Volunteer Park was a place I could be in that Higher Love when I so needed it.

As I was walking home I lost my house key...I was able to get in easily because I had left my back door unlocked, which I don't think has ever happened in 6 years of living here. I didn't think too much about it as I had a full night of packing ahead...and then it came to me that tonight, while not the last night in my apartment, is the last night it will feel whole. Tomorrow furniture will be sold, art will come down from the walls and be packed up, my altars will be lovingly wrapped in paper. So I lit some candles and started walking through my apartment doing gratitudes. I believe everything is energy and for 6 years this apartment has been my sanctuary, mother, father, therapist, lover, best friend and it's offered me unconditional love. It has seen me in my darkest moments and held space for me to go deeper. It has seen me in my boundless joy and only wanted more for me. It has offered uncompromising beauty, safety and welcome. Never asking me to be different than I was in that moment. Whether it was throwing eggs against the wall, dancing in the living room, making gluten free treats at 3am, sobbing in my bed, singing off key, watching Pride and Prejudice for the 127th time...only love and acceptance.

I walked from room to room, tears falling, my heart so full of profound appreciation for this space and knowing that no matter where I was in the world these last few years, I had this place of beauty and safety and home waiting for me. It is a bit scary to leave such a sacred, safe space and yet I know it is time to fly, to spread my wings and see what else the world has for me. I have become the safe space, the world is now my beautiful sanctuary. I will miss you #11. Thank you being there for me in every moment. For having my back, for your beauty, your warmth, your kitschy 1960's faux fireplace, your curves, your plaster, the pink bathroom, my bathtub, kickass storage, incredible views, natural light, built in altars, so much charm, beauty and Love.


If you are uncomfortable thinking about women in their turn on, you might want to stop also might want to read and think about why you are uncomfortable with women talking about their bodies, turn on, etc. Or this might be me projecting my discomfort talking about my turn on...

So yesterday, I went into that far right corner of my closet. The one with the box. The box my best friend knows about and has been told its location to evacuate if anything happened to me so my parents would not have to open this box and see things like lube, condoms (i admit i am uncomfortable typing these words), the Kama Sutra, Anne Hoppers pocket guide to sex, erotica, massage oil, a beautiful peacock feather, temporary tattoos, bedazzling jewels, a vibrator that looks like a tube of lipstick gifted to me by my co-workers when i left to backpack through Asia.

The thing is- I'm guessing a lot of us have these boxes. And it made me wonder. As a single woman, living in my own apartment, why did I still have this box? Why were these books not out on the bookshelves, mixed in between Pema Chodron and David Sedaris, heart, humor, orgasm. LIFE. 
Why were these tattoos unused? Shoved away in a box is not super convenient.

And sadly, why is this box so dusty? Because I shoved this part of my life into the far right corner of my closet, that is why. Because it wasn't mixed into my life. It was relegated to the back, a dark part as if there is some shame in my bodies natural desires to be held, touched, to feel that fire, to experience orgasm, climax, sensation. To feel attraction, connection, communion, sensuality and to do something about it. Sex is so many things, there are so many shades of it, so many elements to explore just like LIFE. So why was I so comfortable exploring the world Solo but not my sex?

And then I realize as I type this- this isn't true. I've done a lot of deep powerful work to heal my relationships with my body, my womanhood, my feminine, with men, with my sensual and sexual nature. I just haven't talked about. I kept that part of my journey in the far right corner of my closet. Hidden away waiting to be embraced, opened, explored, brought out into the light to feel loved and adored in a larger context until I felt safe enough to do so. And that is it. I am safe now.

So while all those items are on their way to goodwill (you're welcome Seattle) that part of me is here. Embraced. Welcomed. Profoundly proud, and knowing that this part of me is something I need, and let's be honest, something the world needs. We need a world where women are reclaiming healthy turn-on, sacred sex, primal truth..all of this lights up the world, all of this creates more communion with ourselves, our earth, each other. I have been afraid of this part of me because of the power of it, the depth of it, the nuances of it (and the 5000 years of killing, shaming women for their turn on, and the unconscious shaming so many of us grew up with certainly had something to do it with my fear...that is another post). For now I know my wisdom and my power is in my body, and my turn on is a part of that. So I proudly take this SACRED NATURAL part of me with me out in the world, to help guide me, to light me up, to share that light with the world.

AND if you are uncomfortable with this I get it...I am too at times. But there is nothing to be uncomfortable about our bodies. It is the shaming of our culture which creates this uncomfortableness. And I am going through it, because I am no longer willing to miss out and I want to help others move through it too. NO more hiding. No more shame. No more fear.

My Dog Sledding accident...let go of the sled Kim.

In December of 2013 I was lucky enough to be invited out on a dog sledding adventure.  I had never been and the appeal of seeing the back country terrain of Montana in this new way was very exciting. The day of our afternoon sledding I was full of unprocessed emotions, running late, forgot I was making a slow cooker dinner that night which meant I had ten minutes to chop mushrooms, carrots, chicken etc. I wasn't centered, grounded or calm and a was also a bit hungry as we set off on our adventure.  Once we arrived we were given the option of driving our own sled, being driven or taking turns.  The adventurer in me and the should in me was "you should want to drive your own sled, so and so would,..."  It took me awhile but eventually I realized I really didn't want to be driving my own sled for two plus hours.  When we go fly fishing, I am the one who enjoys sitting in the boat and drifting down the river, taking in the sites, closing my eyes and feeling the air on my face, dipping in for a swim. I don't like to keep my eye focused on the fly in the water. I felt this experience could be similar.  It didn't even matter why. Driving my own sled wasn't a Hell Yes! I want to do that and my desire is to do things that are a 'Hell Yes!'

Our leader gave us some instructions, one of the key ones being, if you tip over hold onto the sled. Don't let go as the dogs will keep going. And then just pop back up. Check, got it! We were off.  I was so delighted to be sitting in front of a driver who knew the area and shared stories, pointed out vistas and so happy with my choice to enjoy this experience my way.  After awhile I drove one of sleds and enjoyed it. We had a cocoa break and I was back in passenger mode, totally content to stay this way until the end of our adventure. What unfolded next is such an example of my life's journey.

At one point I was asked if I wanted to drive again (to trade off with another woman on the tour) and some part of me thought. 'Oh I need to do this because she's has two turns, I've had one. She might not want to go, I should go'. Blah. Blah. Blah. So I started driving the sled again and this time I felt more tense, more on edge. I wasn't as present in my body. And soon enough, I felt myself tipping over to the left. I remember the instructions. "Hold on. Don't let go." I gripped on the sled for dear life, holding on, holding on, holding on waiting for the sled to stop. My body became the brake for this pack of dogs. My body digging into the hard snow. The sled finally came to a stop. And what did I do? I immediately popped back up! But the nano second my weight lifted from the ground the dogs would start off again, so I was back on the ground, head hitting the compacted snow, body as brake. I felt like I was in a car accident, where the car is rolling over, again and again. The dogs stop again. I pop up! and off they went. Finally the man in front saw what was happening, had his partner take over his dogs and stopped my dogs. I am forever grateful to him.

Because I would have kept hanging on and trying to get up.

Why didn't I let go? Why did I hold on so tight? This is what I learned to do. Because someone of authority told me to and I trusted them more than myself.  You're being bruised, battered, and hurt. You keep giving, keep going. You worry about the dogs before yourself. I held on too tight for so long, too long.

And I ignored my body and went with my ego. I didn't listen to my bodies response- it wasn't a hell yes, it wasn't expansive. It felt like a should, a should that I normally wouldn't say yes to but I was all over the place emotionally, rushing to get dinner done which I could have let  go and I would  have had time to calmly get ready, to take care of myself first. I even said to one of the women, " I don't want to get another concussion." My body felt totally done and complete with this experience as a driver and my ego- you should want to go more, so and so would, this other woman wants to, why don't you? Because I don't. Because my body is telling me no. But I'm not going to listen, I'm going to force and shove and then I'll fall and I'll hop back up and say I'm fine, when in reality with no hat on and the chills settling in and adrenaline coursing through my body I wasn't. And I kept going. Why? Why didn't I honor my body? I even had the thought, "Why am i doing this? Why am I still driving, I want to be done," I felt wobbly. why did I still force it?

I lost my center.  I wasn't in my body.

Three times.

Three times I was dragged through compacted snow. slamming my head against the ground, my body being the human brake of a sled full of dogs.

See how tough and brave I am?

See how ridiculous this is? 

I drove that sled another 20 minutes without a hat as the sun set, getting colder and colder in the Montana winter, the adrenaline and stress hormones coursing through me.  Instead I pushed on. Instead when we got back, I helped unleash the dogs! Rather than, that was scary as shit, I'm going to sit in the car, or walk around or sob now.  

We arrive home and after a bath I went down to finish cooking dinner for my parents.  Imagine being in a car wreck and still feeling responsible for dinner that night? They didn't ask. I simply felt I made this commitment to make a special meal, I have to honor that. Midway, I just looked at them and said "I need to go upstairs. I feel really off." So I went upstairs and cried and cried and cried. And tonight. over a year and half later I cried again. 

I finally feel forgiveness within me. Forgiveness for the decisions I made that day- so instinctual- to get back up, to keep taking the punches, to keep putting up with the pain, caring more about these dogs and the rules then my well-being. Not wanting to receive help, or lose face or not be seen as strong. So I got back up. 

And tonight I felt this. 

Never again.

Never again will I choose newly met dogs, others and authority figures over myself. 

This is my prayer. 

Never again will I choose bravado or shoulds or good girl adaptation to not rock the boat, or scream, or sob, or show emotions in public, in private over my health and safety. My life. Never again will I be pummeled emotionally or physically or mentally and stay in silence.

This is my prayer.

Let go of the sled Kim, let the dogs go free. Screw the dogs Kim.  But the powerful in charge lady told me to keep holding on and I want to impress her. She does the iditarod. 

She does. You don't.

Let go of the sled.

Take care of me. But no. The rules were to hang on to the dogs so I did. I hung, I clung, for dear life, for survival. Wondering what I was doing wrong that they weren’t stopping as my head beat against the snow and my body was dragged down the route.

No more clinging for survival. No more head beating against hard snow to take care of others.

Me first. 

It’s time. 

Let go of the sled.

It’s taken me a year plus to move this through my system. My brain became, quite understandingly, distrustful of myself, of my choices. Sister? What the hell was that about? So trust is being rebuilt.  

And tonight, through my tears, through a return to my heart around this at last, I forgive that part of  myself that clung so fervently to the sled, in this instance and so many others. To the sled that brought me pain, not joy. Trauma rather than love. I forgive myself for following the rules that were set out before me. Others before self. 

With these tears I alchemize this belief, this habit, this contract. With these tears and this new self- respect I let go of the sled. I let the dogs run wild. Let someone else take care of the dogs. It’s time to take care of me. No more holding on to the sled, with head hitting the hard packed snow, with being worried about others and not my own body, my heart, my soul. No more using my body to stop the sled, to absorb the pain.

I let go of the sled.

Taking care of the dogs, the others- that is good girl adaptation. That is insidious, harmful and self-destructive and so deeply ingrained. I forgive myself for this moment and all the others where I stayed.

I let go of the sled.

Let others take care of themselves, cook their meals, unleash their dogs, my vibrating body needs to be held, needs to be soothed. I don’t need to sooth the dogs. I need to be soothed.  Let them take care of you.  And its okay to take more than 2 hours to recover. You get to be bruised and banged up and that can take time to heal dear one. There is no rush. Be sweet and kind and gentle with yourself.

Let go of the sled.

So as your sister, as someone who loves you and wants the very best for you. 


Let go of the sled.


What sleds are you holding on to in your life? How can you gently let go and take incredible care of yourself? What stories/beliefs are keeping you holding on?

Clearing out the old to make space for our WILD!

Can you feel the shift as we enter June? The energy is picking up, the world is calling us out of our cocoons of May and such deep internal work. Now is the time to shed the old- to release all that does not bring you joy, that does not enhance your WILDNESS!!! For example, my book shelf feels more like a burden of shoulds than turning me on. Same with my cookbooks. I realized I'm a person that thrives with less! So I now have ONE cookbook on my shelf. I never used them when there were 30. I'm going to keep 5-10 books in my apartment: read and release. Will keep some in storage but really I am doing a HUGE purge to release the hold. Even my 16 candles DVD is on the way out!!

I went to a book store and read some of 'the life changing magic of tidying up'…/…/1607747308

which reminded me that this life is about JOY. 

My key words are WILD LOVE and if the things in my house do not feel this way, do not light up my very can I be lit up? Clothes, jewelry, books, kitchen items. I've been on the verge of leaving Seattle a few times so I keep thinking I'll wait. NO MORE WAITING! NO MORE BEING PRACTICAL and the good girl. Let the old go, create space for the new and enjoy that feeling of donating to shelters, to having an organization come pick it up or using the Buy Nothing community on Facebook. It doesn't light you up, connect you to your wild? your true essence? Bring you peace? Bye-bye!


Alchemy: owning our magical power to transform and create our lives

Alchemy: noun. a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

I wouldn't say this entire process of transformation and creation has FELT magical and yet looking back, magic has infused and found its way into my life. It crept up on me. Helping heal my heart, mind, body and soul. Bringing me back to my power and understanding that I'm an alchemist. That in any moment I can take something and transform it. And here is the thing. We are all alchemists. Many of us weren't raised knowing it. That we could shine the light on sadness and transform it into great compassion or speaking our truth. That anger is fuel for passion, or justice, or new laws. That we can take rejection, hatred and judgment and alchemize it into clear boundaries and unconditional love. 

When I started connecting to my alchemical ways, there was one shift I found to be the hardest. Well, two shifts. One was that when I was feeling listless, depressed, mired down in the darkness was believing/knowing I could change this. I thought I was stuck in this energy. I spent months on my couch in this energy, watching sad things, listening to sad songs, talking about it and talking about it and talking about it also kept my mind in this low vibe state.  What I've been learning is that I can alchemize it. Honor I'm feeling low vibe. Know that it's just energy. Be curious about it. Take a long shower. Step outside and smell and feel fresh air. Make art. Throw an egg against a wall. Scream in the car. Take a walk in nature. Watch New Girl or bloopers on youtube and laugh. Change my thoughts from 'oh my god I'm going to spend the entire day inside in darkness feeling exhausted." to "I'll go outside, I'll listen for birds, I'll enjoy the sun on my face. I'll phone a friend." I'll give myself some time to go way deep into it and then I will go outside and eat lunch. I learned I had to change/shift the energy I was stuck in. That I could change and shift it. 

This saved my life. 

The other shift that I have epically resisted?  Getting into my body. Our bodies are made of matter. All of life is energy. Emotions, a table, a bird, a blade of grass, lentils, me. We are all composed of matter, of energy. So when my matter is dense and heavy and weighed down with low vibration energy, I commit to listening and moving to 3 songs. 3 songs to dance, shake, stretch, rage, get on the floor and move as slow as a snail, move around the room like a flamenco dancer. 3 songs to change my vibration.  Sometimes I spend 5 minutes stretching my right hip and feel that energy move through my body. I listen to music with different vibrations to move my cells and create a different resonance. Today I spent an hour listening to playful songs and then going into a much slower rhythm to s-l-o-w-l-y stretch my body. I let my body be my guide.

But I commit to 3 songs because I've noticed my mind wants to keep me safe which means being anywhere but my powerful body. "Hey, let's start our taxes." "Was that a text? You should go check the phone." "Did you get the mail yesterday?"  We are hardwired for resistance. New actions create change. So in committing to 3 songs, I am creating the pattern and habit of alchemy.

When I'm done I wash my hands, or take a shower and get that energy off of me. I go barefoot on the grass and connect to earth, give it this old energy and take in the clean high vibe energy of mother earth.  

I've mentioned a few things for you to research. Notice the lower vibrations. The heaviness. Alchemize It. Own your power with your intention, with your body, your mind and using the gift of mother nature, music, thoughts and choice and see what happens.

We have more power then we know.

To set boundaries, to say no, to change the tv channel from fear inducing news to laughter.  We have choice to see the best in people as we walk in a mall, or a parking lot or our workplace.  So keep noticing the heavy, keep moving through it. It's part of life but it doesn't have to own us. This is where the magic is.

We are all alchemists. 

If you are looking for alchemy music- follow me on Spotify!