Whenever I arrive in a new place, New York, Buenos Aires, Burning Man..wherever I am guided to go. As I arrive in the place I ask for this lands blessings. For the earth, air, fire and water to bless me. For the directions to guide me. For the plants and animals to whisper to me. To meet the people who are in alignment with my energy, who are here to expand me, to bring me love, to meet those I am here to be of service to. To meet them with ease and grace. To find sanctuary in my lodgings. I ask for my brain to relax and be of service to my heart and the divine so I can be guided by that rather than ego or shoulds.
As I nestle up in the corner of this beautiful booth surrounded by tables made of tree trunks in Bariloche I am humbled by what the divine brought to me with such ease and grace.
This morning I arrived in Buenos Aires with no hotel booked.
People I had met these last weeks said stay at Llao Llao which is a more fancy hotel in an epic location that I had Pinterested too. When I checked a few weeks ago they were full. So I put it out to the universe that if it was in my highest good to stay there that it be with ease and if not to guide me to something even better.
Something even better.
This is where the universe gets to work its magic... where the play and fun begin...if i can get my ego and brain to relax. which I can't always do. The way it works is by trusting my body. That when I am purusing hotels on Kayak and my body lights up that is the guidance. That is the yes. And I can still doubt it. After all these years of magic.
Today, I didn't. Today I surrendered and arrived in Buenos Aires with a flight a few hours later to Bariloche that I'd booked a few weeks back- that one piece I knew. It was important to go straight to Bariloche- the lakes district. To be surrounded by mountains and water. To be in nature after 3 months in big cities. My feet are itching to be barefoot on the earth, my system longing to stare at sunsets created by mountains rather than buildings. To recalibrate and center after such a year of transformation, after the solstice, after the epic full moon last night. This I knew.
And so, for three nights, I'm staying at place called Tulquelen which I discovered after booking, means a “resting place." It's on 6 hectares of forested grounds that run into the lake and run by generations of a family. I am the prima (cousin) from California already. I am eating fresh bread baked on site, sipping a malbec in quiet. Very few people, which my system is loving. I just had some fresh greens. I am exactly where I am meant to be. It is not fancy. It has breathtaking views. It is pure heart. It has good energy. It has quiet beauty...something I am coming to appreciate more and more these days..within myself and with others. After a nap and a walk where I found a vista point to see Llao Llao Hotel, the mountains, the lake, the sunset. I felt such peace. Like I'd regained some footing on the earth and within myself that I'd teetered from.
And as I bite into my first Argentinian steak, something this country is known for, in a place with much so heart, and 1/5 the price of Llao Llao which the universe knows I LOVE. I am so damn happy.
And proud.
I flew to another continent, one I have never been too because I believed. Because I've learned to trust. I didn't book a tour which a younger part of me wanted to do to have structure and safety, I didn't follow the crowd, I did it my way...which is perfect for me. This is not the path for everyone and I so honor that, but it is for me and I am at last honoring THAT. And here is where the magic is, the deliciousness, the richness. That beautiful flow of giving and receiving. Of engaging my senses in this incredible world. Smelling roses today, taking in a sunset, savoring bites of fresh bread, being of service, speaking my truth, sharing it with whoever is guided to read this. Of saying Yes.
And that is my part in this orchestration of bringing the feminine back into our world. To be out living it, to be living with heart, emotions, love, flow and surrender and to write about it openly. To speak of coming back to my body, to sacred sex, to sensuality to intuition, to the divine, to oneness, of nature, of communion.
To speak of being guided today to a driveway with a log across it and stepping over the log to discover rows of roses (symbols of Love, Beauty, Isis, the divine feminine) and then to walk to the edge of the hotel...feel done and then turn around and see a statue of Mary with her arms open. These are the things that are happening to me more and more. The signs of pure love. Not dogma. Not scripture. Symbols of love. Symbols of knowing I am on the right path of bringing balance to our world.
The new nun: out living her life with red lipstick, trekking shoes, play, wild, sexy bras, dancing, traveling the world in love, filling herself up with pleasure so she can give more, be nourished, vibrant, alive and be of service in the name of love without the oppression, the grayness, the rules, the shoulds.
Bright. Radiant. Dynamic. Joy. Turned On.
The feminine in alignment with truth, stripped bare of adaptations.
Love. Pure Love.