Happy New Year!

Hello Wild Ones.

I've missed you. I've been in Amsterdam, doing a deep, deep dive into some old dark, mucky places so I could be more wild and free. I've been very quiet, with myself and you. I wanted to wish you a happy new year, to send you my love and some beautiful flowers. May you experience more love, more beauty, more joy, more of your desired feelings and experiences than you ever imagined this year. May you feel more self expressed than ever before. May your share your emotions, your wildness with the world. May you continue to reclaim yourself, for yourself. I send you love.

And if you are desiring more support, our Reclaim your Wild Facebook community is up and running. I've been posting brief thoughts, movie and song suggestions, quotes, so we could have more of a discussion in a safer space rather than in this pages comments section which I know isn't comfortable for everybody.  We are all deserving of receiving more support! Please email me if you desire to be part of the group, or go to Facebook and look up reclaim your wild and ask to be added to the group. I want this to be something you desire, rather than me just adding you!

There are other juicy things in store for Reclaim your Wild this year- an inspirational video to show what reclaim your wild looks like (I'll be asking for photo and video submissions), retreats, one day workshops, my book, selling more t-shirts, creating more community and more. I am so excited for this year of self-expression and LOVE. 

love love love to you. May you dance, sob, giggle, feel the sun on your face, smell the snow, give and receive long long hugs and enjoy being wild.