Slow down...

Welcome to 2014! Can you feel the change in the air?  The swirling energy of wanting to clean out every closet, burn old papers, delete emails, change old patterns and create more space for the new? You are not alone. For many of us 2013 was an intense year of internal shifting, deep emotions and now those shifts are showing up in our external world.  We are ready to let go of the clutter, the things that are distracting us from who we truly are and what we are here to do.  So follow your instincts and spend these next few weeks releasing the old, all that no longer serves your highest good. Take more quiet time to reflect and release, set new intentions and ask for guidance. Pay attention to what shows up in your life: songs, words, images.  If your body doesn't sing when an invitation is extended, say no thank you and trust that something even better is coming your way.  Stroll in nature, slow down, take epsom salt and lavender oil baths, drink more tea and less wine.  Talk less and listen. Give your systems some time to just be and re-set.  In a few weeks we start the year of the horse, which feels like delicious, forward movement. So enjoy these last few weeks of the year of the snake and keep shedding the old while taking exquisite care of yourself.